Chapter 48

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Jungkook's pov| First:

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Jungkook's pov| First:

I sat with Choi telling the guys I would sit with her before actually joining her at the table. They all asked if I was ok and I was assuming it was because of the incident this morning. I simply replied with a nod not really eager to talk.

When I got to Choi's table she looks at me. She inspects my face as if wanting to see if I would break down if she talked too loud. I place myself on the opposite chair of her. I wasn't really hungry so I decided to just make my way to the table.

Choi finally spoke, "So, how you holding up?" I look at her shrugging my shoulders. I felt bad that I brought my bad mood to her being selfish and not wanting to bring my bad mood to the other table. Still there was something about Choi that gave me comfort, like it didn't matter that I brought my bad mood to her table.

Choi nods taking in my quiet, rude reply. Sighing I lean forward, "Sorry, I'm just not in the mood, I guess." Choi pats my head gently a small smile on her face, "It's fine I don't really mind. I can read a room or aura in no time." her assurance brings me a peace of mind.

Honestly, how could someone be so comforting? I found it oddly comforting and cute at the same time. I rest my head on my arms only to pick it right back up again. Choi flinches at my sudden movement. I apologize but my eyes never leave the sight in front of me.

I feel my jaw clench as I stare at the male. The red haired boy smiles at him as they chat away. The male with pink hair wrapping an arm around his waist. The pink haired male laughed digging his face into Taehyung's side.

He nuzzles his nose into Taehyung's neck. Taehyung simply smiles at the action. I watch on as my heart clenches. It beats slowly shattering off bits and pieces as it continues to pound.

All I can do is stare. I stare. I lost him to my own stupid actions. Had I accepted my feelings earlier I wouldn't be in this situation, had I swallowed my pride and allowed myself to be gay I wouldn't be missing him, and had I actually listened to Yoongi and Jin I wouldn't be looking at Taehyung be held by someone else.

I look down at the floor a deep sigh blows out from between my lips. Choi notices who I'm looking at as she places her hand over mine.

I smile to her a weak smile, "I don't really care." I say to try and reassure her. I could tell it failed as she only smiled at me sadly.

Nice going Kook you blew it again.

Alright!!!!!!!! Another chapter. Tbh I feel this book is boring and too long-lazynim

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