Chapter 40

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Jungkook's pov | First:

I woke up my throat scratchy and dry. My head was pounding as I got up from Namjoon's couch. I made my way to the kitchen grabbing a glass cup and filling it with some water.

I downed a good amount of the tasteless yet amazing liquid that soothes my throat. When I finished taking in some water I headed to the living room. My head was still throbbing and the light of the outside was not helping.

"Kook! You're awake!" Namjoon's loud thundering voice rang out causing immense pain to my already painful headache. He chuckles apologizing. I simply nod pulling my phone from the coffee table. Namjoon hands me two pills which I thank him for and quickly take.

Faint memory of yesterday's events flash in my mind. I remember taking shot after shot trying to rid my mind of the constant questions. I didn't care about Taehyung, did I? I remember stumbling onto the couch and complained to Namjoon and Hoseok.

I sigh as the pain in my head continues. Then I remember being left alone. At that point I no longer cared what I said, admitted, or did, so I pulled my phone out and began to type a message.

I pulled up the messages from last night my eyes turning wide as I see what J typed to Taehyung. My heart warms at the thought of Taehyung still caring about me.

The smile spread to my face causing me to toss myself down on the couch. No matter what I still lost Taehyung and the boy knew about the dare. There was no way reversing it and why would it matter I don't have feeling for Taehyung at all.

I roll over on the couch as my thumb subconsciously scrolls through our old messages. I mainly teased the boy on how innocent he was and he would always become flustered.

"Kook, you ok?" Namjoon asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I look at him briefly nodding. Namjoon scoots closer to me, "Kook, are you sure you're alright? With Taehyung finding out and everything?"

I roll my eyes sitting up on the couch. I begin, "Joon, I don't need the kid to be happy I can pass this date easily, all I gotta do is find someone else. He found out he found out. I don't care." In all honesty I was just saying it to assure myself and I could tell he wasn't convinced.

He sighs looking at the ground looking tired of my bull, "Kook, I really want you to think this through. Fook his gender." I begin to fiddle with my thumbs. Was I really all that different. Were my actions all that different from the last people I broke up with?

I didn't dwell on it longer and decided that Taehyung was just like the rest, they all sucked and were nothing to me. I thank Namjoon and head out of his house. Really, I didn't want to be in the house any longer.

I walked down the park for a brief moment just trying to cool down the pounding headache a shut out the dumb thoughts of Taehyung and me. Finally I arrived home and showered. I let myself get cleaned up then headed to bed. Before completely falling asleep I took a risk and sent a message.

Thanks for caring about me yesterday
Also I'm real sorry for bothering you

I stayed staring at the message and ten minutes later I finally got a reply. I quickly opened the message ready to see what he typed.

It's fine
Please stop contacting me from now on
Thank you

I felt a harsh pang in my heart. It felt like my heart was be squeezed. Like my heart was being dug into by acrylic pointed nails. Instead one dwelling on it again I tossed my phone onto the bedside table and decided to sleep.

Mh-hm-hm... Jungkook really doesn't learn-lazynim

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