Chapter 17

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Taehyung's pov:

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Taehyung's pov:

Taehyung rushes out of the boys bathroom his heart beating in his ears. His face was red and his breathing was rash. The sick tug of his body began as he rushed to his class.

With sweaty palms Taehyung grabbed his backpack that had fallen when Jungkook yanked him to the bathroom. As he walked to his classroom a tall male caused him to fall down. The male looked down at Taehyung he smiled at the male bending down to help him.

Taehyung's cheeks began to heat up as he placed his hand in the other's. Once on his feet Taehyung bows saying his thanks to the male. The male had black long hair. Part of his hair fell over one of his eyes. He had plump wide lips, pale skin, and roundish almond eyes.

His lips were red, a pretty red and plump. Taehyung gulped his saliva as he stared at the male. A chuckle escaped the male's lips as he asked, "Hey, are you ok? I'm Hyungwon." Taehyung shook his head trying to erase the thoughts he was currently having of the males lips.

He smiled, "I'l late for class." Taehyung tried to squeeze past the male successfully arriving to his class. Mr. Phys looked at him menacingly as he made his way to his seat. Taehyung took out his material and sighed at the strangely eventful day.

Still his breath was caught in his throat for two completely different reasons. One, Jungkook could walk through the physics room at any moment and having the class with the male meant he had no way to escape, and two, the male he just met was still stuck in his mind.

The males lips kept appearing in his mind the way his lips moved as he talked. Taehyung was feeling the sick urge again. He sighed too tired to be stuck in this mental state. "Alright! Get your books ready there is a new lecture!" Mr. Phys loudly announced. He watched as the man walked to his door pulling out his door keys.

Taehyung watched on with eager eyes wanting the male to close the door already, silently begging him to hurry up. He watched as the key slowly slid into the hole of the lock and twisted it. Taehyung sighed glad that he was free from the dangerous male he called, Jeon Jungkook.

With Jungkook's out of his way Taehyung prepared for his lecture with the teacher. Like the good student he is Taehyung takes down all the notes of the teacher and when he receives his paperwork he begins to work on it. He spends the rest of the class Jungkook-free.

With the last minute approaching the teacher frees the class allowing them to proceed to their next period. Taehyung looks both way before exiting the class trying to avoid Jungkook and his torturers. Seeing that the coast is clear Taehyung rushes to his second period.

The rest of the boy's classes proceed the same, but this time he takes notice of the pretty lipped boy with the long hair. Taehyung watches as the boy playfully teases one of his friends. How come I've never noticed him? Taehyung questions.

With his third class done Taehyung is free to go to lunch. While all the students head to the cafeteria Taehyung rushes to the library. When he enters the safe smell of wood and book pages hits his nose. His shoes scrape across the carpeted floor as he makes his way to one of the tables.

The old librarian greets Taehyung with a smile already knowing this is where the boy eats his lunch. Naturally no one is allowed to eat in the library, but Taehyung always being clean and cleaning up after himself made it fine for him to eat here.

Taehyung pulls out a brown paper bag with a bologna sandwich with two cheeses, mayo, and lettuce. Then he pulls out a small container filled with kiwis, and a cup of water. Before eating he pulls out his book and opens to his most recent page. As he munches away at his sandwich he reads his book.

He sighs content as he enjoys the taste of the food and the beautiful writing. Taehyung is transfixed on the book so much so that he fails to take notice of the chair that gets pulled out from across from him. The only reason he takes notice of the person across from Jim's is because a small tap on his shoulder causes him to look up.

When Taehyung meets eyes with the person his breath is caught in his throat. "So I see you like books, what's your favorite?" Hyungwon queries the shocked boy. Taehyung swallows the last bit of his sandwich then answers, "The Perks of being a Wallflower."

Hyungwon places a hand over his chest as he gasps excitedly, "Oh I love that book! The twist at the end really had me." Taehyung nods enthusiastically at common interest. They spend roughly forty minutes chatting about their interest that they completely forget about the lunch bell.

Hyungwon gets up from his chair and asks, "Do you maybe want to continue this some where else?" Taehyung contemplates on whether he should trust the boy, but seeing he has a friendly face he accepts. Packing away his book and throwing away his trash both boys head out of the library and to the janitors closet.

I'M BACK TO FINISH THIS BOOK!!!! Ps. This chapters gonna be a little too long so I'll continue it in the second chapter. -lazynim

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