Chapter 36

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Jungkook's pov:

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Jungkook's pov:

It had been a week since the date they had and he noticed he's become more affectionate towards Taehyung. Before he really wouldn't mind the boy at school, but this time he couldn't help but want to hold the boy's warm hand.

Jungkook enjoyed the feeling of their fingers laced together, he enjoyed seeing the smile that would appear on Taehyung's face when Jungkook would hug him. All of this was new to Jungkook, so he decided that 'it's just for the dare.'

Jungkook was currently making his way to the cafeteria holding onto Taehyung's hand as he intently listened to the boy talk about his Saturday. Taehyung's eyes gleamed as he continued to speak about his new found art idea.

In all honesty if any of Jungkook's old girlfriends were to talk this much he would just leave them to walk on their own, but with Taehyung he enjoyed hearing the boy. An arm slung around Taehyung catching both boys by surprise. "Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed releasing his hand from Jungkook's.

Jungkook watches from afar as he intake how happy his boyfriend is to see his friend and how tightly they hug. He begins to poke his tongue against his cheek scoffing a little as he looks else where.

"Tae, babe, go get your lunch I'll save you a spot at the table." Jungkook says prying Taehyung away from Yoongi. Taehyung nods heading to the cafeteria line leaving the two boys alone.

Jungkook glares at Yoongi anger clear in his face. Yoongi rolls his eyes at Jungkook as he begins to walk to the cafeteria table where all his other friends are at. When they sit down they are greeted with friendly smiles.

Jungkook begins, "I would appreciate it if you stopped hitting on Taehyung Yoongi." Jungkook looks at Jimin who begins to poke at his food. "Jimin wouldn't be happy with a cheating boyfriend." Jungkook continues.

Yoongi rolls his eyes for the second time at the younger male, "Jungkook, I'm not hitting on Tae-tae, he's a genuinely nice guy and good friend. I'm just trying to protect him." That small simple sentence drove Jungkook insane.

Who the hell does Yoongi think he is to feel the need to protect Taehyung. Last time Jungkook checked Yoongi was interested in a guy who was chasing after Jungkook. Jungkook balls his fist as he abruptly stands up from his chair.

Luckily the cafeteria was too loud for anyone to really hear anything. Jungkook roars, "Who the hell do you think you are!? He's my boyfriend not yours!" Yoongi rolls his eyes again.

It was starting to piss off Jungkook. Jin got up from his seat already being able to see the fight that was about to begin. Jin calmly spoke, "Kook, do you really have any feelings for Taehyung. That's all Yoongi wants out of you."

Jungkook looks at Jin with dark eyes, "Kook, Taehyung is a nice guy. We, Yoongi and I, don't want to see him hurt. So please just answer me this, are you jealous that Yoongi is caring for Taehyung? Do you actually like him?"

Jungkook scoffs looking at Jin and Yoongi dead in the eyes, "I, Jeon Jungkook, have never and will never like Kim Taehyung. This started off as a dare and will end as a dare."

As Jungkook finished his sentence Yoongi looked shocked. Yoongi eyes stare wide eyed behind Jungkook. This causes the boy to turn his head only to see a testy eyed Taehyung chewing his lip and gripping his lunch plate tightly.

The sad expression on Taehyung's face made him want to punch himself, hard, and repeatedly. His heart tightens in his chest as he tries to get up to get to Taehyung, but his legs feel too weak.

Taehyung places his tray down on the table bowing with formality at the group and leaving. At this point Jungkook wanted a reaction out of Taehyung. He wants Taehyung to slap him across the face, to yell at him, to do anything, but instead he just watches the back of Taehyung walk away as he holds himself.

Jungkook sighs dropping his face into the palm of his hands. He wants to scream to chase after Taehyung. But instead he quietly says, "I just lost the dare." The rest of the lunch time the table stays quiet too shocked by the event that unfolded earlier. None of them would have ever thought they would feel so hurt to know they destroyed someone.

Taehyung was completely different. Taehyung was kind.

The end.

JUST MESSING!!! THERE'S MORE!!! Also I know I haven't posted in a long time, but this week's been wack. I'm gonna post five chaps. Also I might release a Namjin fic so maybe you'd like to give that a try??-lazynim

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