chapter 1

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A/N Okay so please have in mind that this is my first book and also that it takes up some dark subjects like abuse so if you find that hard to read please have that in mind. Enjoy the book😊


How can you be so stupid Kami?

Yeah I know I'm stupid but just keep smiling, laugh with them and they'll be fine. They'll be happy.

"Yeah I don't know" I rubbed the back off my neck and laughed awkwardly.

"Seriously how can someone even get a two?" Mina clutched her stomach from lauging so hard.

"It's fine bro you'll just have to study next time, I can even help you" Kirishima said reassuringly.

Oh no please don't say that he was thinking about me. God I'm just a burden he shouldn't feel guilty about me.

"It's fine dude as you said i'll just have to study next time and besides now that boomboom boy is back you'll have to look after him" I said trying to change the subject.

"What the hell did you call me Pikachu!?" Bakugou yelled grabbing the collor off my shirt. I visibly tennesed at the sudden contact and closed my eyes.

He's going to hurt me, he's going to punch me, okay just stay still Denki you know it'll get worse if you try to fight back.

I didn't open my eyes until I heard Kirishima calming Bakugou down "relax Bakubro you know he doesn't mean anything it's just Denki"

Yeah it's just plain old Denki. Worthless dumb Denki who can't even control his own quirk. I almost laughed at my own thoughts.

Bakugou huffed at Kirishimas comment but let go.

"Hey are you coming with us to lunch?" Mina asked while she helped Kirishima push Bakugou out the classroom door.

"Thank's but Aizawa wanted to talk to me, but hey maybe i'll catch up to you guys later" I said as I watched them leave the classroom. It wasn't a complete lie but I definitly wouldn't catch up to them at lunch later, I didn't deserve food.

I looked over to where my homeroom teacher Aizawa was sitting, I took a deep breath before gathering the curage to walk up to him. He was looking at a few papers but put them down once I walked up. I slightly grimaced once I saw the papers he was holding were my old test scores.

Please don't expell me I pleaded in my mind, though I wouldn't blame him for doing so. I was the worst in class, I really didn't want to get expelled from UA though, it was my only escape.

He let out a sigh and pinched the brink off his nose. "you know why I wanted to talk to you righ?"

I gulped and said "uhm I think so" it felt like the words were getting stuck in my throat.

"you need to get your grades up Kaminari or you won't be able to attend this school anymore" he stated in his normal tired voice

"I-I promise I will!" I quickly yelled. Though he'd probably prefer me getting expelled. one last problem student to look after I though guilty.

"Do you have to yell?" He let out one off his famous sighs. He's been more tired lately. The whole thing with Bakugou really put a lot more pressure on him. Why do I keep bothering him like this, god they're right I'm just burden.


I lifted my eyes so they met his. I hadn't even realized how my gace had drifted down to the floor.

"yeah Aizawa sir?"

He let out one more off his classic sighs "I asked if you were listening"

"Oh he sorry" I rubbed the back off my head awkwardly. stupid Denki, get it togheter

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now