Chapter 37

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Shinsou POV
Everybody stood ready, just waiting for the signal to come. Don't worry Denki, I'm going to save you.

I could feel my heart beating and took a shaky breath. I needed to save him. My mind flashed back to when I'd heard the scream and I didn't even dare think about what could have happened to him during that time. He needs to be alright. I don't know what I'll do if he's not.

I looked at the man about to give the signal. As he lifted his hand it felt like time slowed down to a painfully slow speed and I could feel the panic rising in me. What if he's hurt? What if he's... Dead?! My breathing started to quicken at the thought of that being the case and I could feel myself loosing control. It can't, he can't be!

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back to see Locksmith giving me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, we'll save him" He whispered with a confident smile and I automatically calmed down a bit.

As my eyes turned back to the man giving the signals I barely had time to see him give the signal. But with that, everything started.

The first wave of police officers and heroes rushed into the building to take care of any immediate threats while me and Locksmith waited for the signal again to go in with the second wave.

I jumped as I heard a gunshot from inside and I could once more feel a steady hand being layed on my shoulder. I didn't have to look back to see who it was this time though, I knew it was locksmith and I nervously tried to smile, even though it didn't come out as more than some weird twitches around my mouth.

Not soon after that the man gave the signal for the second wave to enter and I and Locksmith ran into the damp building with the others.

Inside there was chaos. People were running around, fighting and shooting everywhere. There was some smoke left inside the building from when the first wave used smoke bombs to enter it which made the already thin air thinner and even more unbreatheable.

I could hear someone shouting orders for people but didn't listen to them. I was to distracted trying to find Denki. Come on come on! I repeated inside my head as I took a few steps in some direction trying to find any glance of that beautiful golden hair of his.

There was nothing and I took a few steps in another direction trying to find him. Also nothing where the hell could he be!?!

Suddenly I was pushed forward as I was busy scanning for Denki and landed on the floor. I turned around, suddenly aware that I was in a warfield, to see that locksmith was the one that had pushed me.

He'd pushed me out of the way as a villain looking somewhat like a lizard swung his very odd looking sword at us.

My eyes were wide at the sight of the villains sword and I froze. I layed there not being able to do anything, I was overwhelmed by fear and as I saw the lizard man trying to slice open the prohero Locksmith, I was paralyzed.

"Kid get up and run!" I jumped a little and turned with frightful eyes to Locksmith. "run kid you need save your friend! I'll be right behind you!" I opened my mouth like I wanted to say something, but no words came out. I hesitantly stood up still not being able to stop shaking and looked at the prohero infront of me. "GO NOW!" He yelled and I jumped at his harshness. After all, this was life and death. He was ready to give up his life to save somebody else's. This wasn't a game.

I quickly tried to scurry away from there, falling but also quickly standing up again and continued running. I didn't know where to run so I just ran without looking until I stopped in the middle of the chaos. I'd been able to collect myself after the encounter and now I could think clearly again. I needed to find Denki.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now