Chapter 34

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"YOU'RE THE FUCKING TRAITOR" I turned from Ururaka back to Bakugou. He was furious and I could tell that the only thing holding him back from attacking me was the still small amount of confusion hanging in the air.

"Kaminari, are you?" Jirou asked hesitantly, almost like she was afraid of the answer.

"Well ofcourse he is"Shigaraki laid his arm around my shoulder and I had to resist the urge to shake it of. "He's been with us for a long time now" He smirked dragging out the words.

"Yepp Denki is like our bestie" Toga butted in.

I looked down on the ground, this was the worst thing that could ever happen. I could feel the people I've alway consided my closest friends bloodlust, they hated me.

"I-Is it true?" I looked up horrified, I knew that voice. Shinsou stepped forward I could see tears building up in his eyes. Why....why did he have to be here?

I could hear Shigaraki laughing beside me, "Is he seriously crying? do you know this freak Kaminari?"

I looked at Shinsou for a moment, it was like I was trying to apologize with my eyes, though I soon gave up on that and let my gaze fall to the floor tiles beneath me, I didn't deserve to ask for forgivnes.

I struggled to get the words out as I tried to answer Shigaraki. I knew that I needed to play along in his sick game, even though I didn't want to. I told my self it was for my friends. Though I knew that they weren't my friends anymore, or atleast I wasn't to them.

"Y-yeah... he's in my class" I tried to say but it came out shaky and I became afraid of what he was going to do.

"Oh so he's in your class you say" Shigarak let his arm fall of me and walked forward up to Shinsou. Please don't do anything, please don't hurt him. I'm begging you. I pleaded in my mind.

"So you're saying that he's in your class huh? Shagarki looked at Shinsou like he was sizing him up. "So this is one of those anoying future heroes? what's your quirk freak?"

no no no don't- I thought but it was to late. Shinsou glared at him with hatred in his eyes "You're the freak here, you fucking villain"

I wanted to close my eyes expecting Shigaraki to get fursious and start attacking people but instead.... he laughed?

Shigaraki let out a laugh "I like this one" He turned to Kurugiri "Hey what do you say that we keep this one" what?!

I didn't know what to do, the last thing I wanted was to get Shinsou dragged into this. I clenched my fists in frustation. I knew I couldn't do anything I was too weak to fight Shigaraki and if I tried we'd all end up dying.

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!" I was brought back into reality by Bakugous yelling. He rushed toward Shigaraki with his quirk activated. No don't it wont wo- My thoughts were once again to late as Kurugiri made a portal just as Bakugous hand was about to hit Shigaraki.

"What the-" he was interupted as Shigaraki placed his own hand around Bakugous wrist. He let out a scream and I could see the others getting ready to do something.

"Shigarki!" I yelled  trying to hopefully defuse the situation.

I think I succeded aswell as all the people that had come running towards the two, as well as the villains had stopped to look at me. "ehm..." I tried to come up with something to say "Don't we have somewhere to be, do we really have time for this?"

I breathed heavily trying to calm down. What did I just do!? did I seriously tell Shigaraki what to do!? I am so gonna have to pay for this.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now