chapter 25

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Well do to request I tried to do two chapters in on day so here's another. I'll probably try to update more frequent from now on but I can't make any promises hope you guys understand🙂

I knew I needed to get back to class and tried to hurry, though by now my head felt like it was going to explode.

Aizawa had earlier told us to meet at the UA parking. He said it was for special hero training but it was honestly an odd place to have a class. Or maybe I'm just to dumb to see it.

I continued to walk and by the time I finally saw the parkinglot I also saw that the whole class was already there. That included Aizawa and All might who were talking to the whole class. Well all might was, Aizawa had already climbed into his yellow cocoon and I think he was sleeping? Not important Denki, I need to focus on how to get to the class without being seen.

I took a deep breath to try and collect myself before finally heading in, I walked quickly and tried to keep my head low in hope noone would notice me. But ofcourse they did.

"Young Kaminari! What are you doing?" 

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned my attention to All might who had called my name. "Yeah?" I asked him nervously.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh ehm" I let out a nervous laugh scratching the back off my head "sorry I lost track of time and I guess I just didn't want to disturb the rest of the class" I showed him a nervous smile as he looked sceptical at me for a second. 

I let out a releaved sigh as he finally broke eyecontact with me. My relief though was quickly erased as he turned to the rest of the class and spoke. "Being punctual is also an important aspect when it comes to being hero. Showing up on time is not only important when fighting villains but also while doing interveiws, you need to show the public that you're reliable and will always be there"

I turned my gaze away from him as he continued speaking and I decided to start heading towards where Shinso was standing. 

I could see Kirishima looking some what worried at me. There's no way I can have him worrying about me. I can not be a burden to him, I can't hurt him.

I stopped and looked at him for a second before smiling brightly and doing to peace sign with my fingers. I could se him smiling and holding back a chuckle and that was enough for me.

I walked up and stood next to Shinso. "Hey there" I said trying to look like I was actually listening to All might. He opened his mouth to answer my greeting but then another voice was heard. We both turned our heads to see who it was and saw Ilda coming walking towards us with his hand moving in a robotic like moment. "Kaminari, do you understand how unaccepteble this is?! You can't be late to class and even try to sneek in undetected, its against school rules" he said as we walked up.

"Sorry Ilda" I apologized awkwardly.

"You shouldn't apologize to me. You should apopogize to the whole class for disturbing the lesson as well as breaking school rules" I looked at him suprised. He wants me to apologize to the whole class! did I really ruin so much for them. Oh god please tell I'm not. What am i even doing in this class? I'm just ruining it for everybody else. I'm just a useless idiot who keeps messing everything up.

I opened my mouth getting ready to speak when another voice was heard. "Hey there's no need to apologize Ilda its fine, he didnt disturb us that much" I looked suprised at Midoryia who had so spoken up and was holding hands with Todoroki. 

Ilda pushed his glasses up a bit before answering "but Midoryia he broke the rules"

"WOULD YOU JUST SHUT IT GLASSES!?" We all turned to Bakugou suprised. "Bakugou that's no language to use in a-"

"If you don't shut up I'm going to freaking blow you to the other end of school. You're almost as annoying as Deku" He muttered the last part before turning away.

Ilda opened his mouth getting ready to speak once more when Kirishima suprised us all. "Bakugou. Behave" He then proceeded to hit Bakugou at the back of his head. 

"What the hell shitty hair!?" He yelled in Kirishimas face. Kirishima though just ignored him, instead turning to us. "I apologize for him, he's still learning what manners means" He said with a smile before turning back to Bakugou. "I told you before, you can't talk to people like that" He scolded as they walked away and left the rest off us in a silent shock.

It took a while for all off us to comprehend the situataion that just accured but once we did we all burst out laughing. I've said it before and I'll say it again how he's still alive will forever be a mystery to me.

Alright guys I think we need to board the buss if we don't want to be late" Ururaka said still somewhat laughing and we all decided to hurry there trying to get the best seats.

We stepped in and I took a seat next to Shinso. Everybody watched somewhat amused as Kiri was sitting next to Bakugou and still giving him a scolding. They did seem to make up later though as they kissed and Kirishima seemd extremly happy.

When I saw the two of them together a thought struck me. I turned to Shinso and started intensively starred at his hand who was placed right next to mine. Extremly nervous I started moving my hand closer to his but immediately stopped and freaked out when he turned to me and gave me an odd look. "You okay?" He asked.

"Oh y-yeah totally, everythings fine. Nothing wrong about here no, not at all"

he still looked at me weidly before looking down to where our hands were mere inches apart and he let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

Oh no I messed up. Now he's gonna think I'm weird I mean who would- My thoughts were interupted as he grabbed my hand and I'm pretty sure my entire face lit up at that moment. He's holding my hand!?

He looked up at me and showed me a soft smile. "Cute" He mumbled.

"What?" I asked my face turing red.

He immediately tried to hide it behind a cough. "Nothing"

Wait did he just!?

We spent the rest off the bussride holding hands and some where along the way I started babling about random stuff aswell. Kirishima once turned around and saw us. He gave us a thums up before turning back to Bakugou.

The bus stopped not long after that and we all stepped outside.

"Where are we?" I looked up at Shinso.

"I'm not sure. It almsot looks like a kindergarden or something"

"Hmmm" I looked back at the building. Shinso was right about the fact that it looked like a kindergarden. I wonder what we're doing here. I didn't have to wonder for long though because only a few minutes later Aizawa and All might stepped up infort of the class.

Allmight was the one to speak first. "As I said earlier there are many important aspects when it comes to being a hero. One of those aspects that you'll soon learn is to not only be able to keep calm during stressful situasions but also keep others calm. There will be multible situasions where you'll have to calm distressed civilian so that's why-"

"Wait so why did you bring us here?" Mina interupted.

"Well Mina All might would just explain that part if you hadn't interupted him" Aizawa sighed.

"Oh. Sorry?" Mina smiled awkwardly.

"It's fine" Aizawa let out another sigh "You can continue now"

"Thank you Aizawa" All might said before continuing explaining why we were here.

I looked over at Mina and once we cought eye contact I nervously gave her a smile which she turned down by crossing her arms and turning away.

I let out a sigh. Why can't I just spend one day without pissing someone off? Am I really so hard not to hate? Who am I kidding ofcoure I am.

"Everything alright?" I looked up at Shinso and smiled. "Yeah, everythings great" Atleast he doesnt hate me, I just don't understand why...

"That's good" He had a soft smile on his lips. That's smile of his... Is the only thing keeping me sane right now.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now