chapter 6

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A/N thank you guys for over a 100 reads I totally don't deserve it so thank you. Also a little warning thus chapter gets kind of dark so a warning


I walked up the creaky stairs to the kids room and quietly stuck my head inside. They were all still peacefully sleeping so I decided to walk up to the bunkbed and slightly shake Kaito awake.

He rubbed his eyes trying to get the sleep out from them. "Hey just wanted to let you know I'm heading out for work now so don't do anything stupid while I'm away"

He started trying to sit up in the bed without waking Koji up who was sleeing in the same bed. I helped him sit up without waking his brother and then he said "I know don't leave the room until you get back"

I smirked a little, all the kids had heard this a milion times before.

"Don't worry I'll protect Koji and Yui for you" He said proudly,

"Yeah that's my man" I ruffled his hair and he started giggiling. I knew Kaito really wanted to be an adult and help out but he truly is a child. I just hope he gets to continue being one

"Alright I'm heading out" I waved to Kaito as he went back to bed and I left the room. I'm glad he didn't ask about the food, though it broke my already shattered heart a little that he didn't expect there to just be food ready and knew going without food wasn't anyting out off the ordinary.

I was out to work in about twenty minutes after I'd picked up some old bearbottles laying on the floor and cleaned a little. Today I just had the store and the club for work so I may even be able to see if I can manage to look for new gloves for Yui.

I know what you're thinking now a fiveteen year old kid working at a club but hey whatever pays the bills right.

The day went by quickly. First I worked at the store for about ten hours, both taking care off the cash register and stocking new products on the shelves.

I also asked Rayder if I could get my paycheck early. Which he said I could so now I just need to by the kids some food before I leave for my next job.

Even though it might not be much I always tried to make sure the kids had something small for lunch in school as well as dinner.

A while back I'd got fired from one off my jobs, they found out I was underage and didn't want me to working there anymore,se  we'd ended up getting into some financial trouble, it was also before I'd learned to hide the money properly so  somehow Mr.Araki had gotten his hands on the money I'd had saved  and went and spend them all.

The kids had to go multiple days without food so after that I'd learned to always hide the money where I knew he wouldn't find it.


As soon as I was done shopping, I'd even managed to find some gloves for Yui, I walked back home. The door as usual made an awful sound so there was no need to declare the fact that I was home.

I took off my shoes and tried to walk over to the kitchen area with the shoppingbag but just as I passed the couch Mr. Araki called me over "Denki" I turned around to look at him slightly tilting my head. The lesson from yesterday was still fresh in my mind and the fading bruises a constant reminder.

"come" he grumpily waved me over and I walked over to him quickly, scared off the coming punishment. "what did you buy?" he nodded towards the bag I was carrying and I looked down on it surprised, i'd forgotten I still held it. You could clearly see my hands shaking and I'm sure he saw it to as he smirked.

I knew he got satisfaction out off watching me be this terrified and I really didn't want to give it to him but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't, I was pettrified of him.

I was frozen and almost didn't react when he snatched the plastic bag from me, except for a flinch as his hand brushed against mine. He shot me a warning glare telling me to stay put as he started looking through the bag.

His eyes narrowed and all I had time to think was oh no before he took out Yuis gloves.

He smirked evily at me and I knew I was in trouble, "Where'd you get these?" He waved the gloves carelessly.

"I-I.....I was... I b-bou-bought them" I managed to studder out.

"Liar you don't have this kind off money"

"n-no I do-" I was interrupted by the punch to my stomach and my breath disappearing. Before I could block he punched my left cheek and I sunk down on the floor.

He toward above me anger and satisfaction evident in his eyes "what did I tell you about talking back?"

I starred at the floor. Stop please stop I pleaded in my mind though I knew there was no way he'd actually stop. "hey!" I flinched at his strong voice

Then I felt two cold harsh finger on my chin as it was roughly pushed upwards and I was forced to look into his cold grey eyes as he leaned in closer.

"Why do you got to be this way?" the question didn't seem directed at me so I didn't say anything. Instead I let my gaze turn downwards not feeling comfortable staring into his eyes for long periods of time.

He leaned back up and huffed at this, I think he took it as a sign off weekness but having lived with this man for eleven years I knew that showing weekness was better than fighting. He liked it when you struggled just so he'd be able to push you down further later.

He turned around and I thought he was going to go back to the TV so I steadied myself and was going to try and get up. But he just got ready to kick me again. It felt like I was going to puke up that small protein bar I had yesterday as another kick hit my stomach.

He kept kicking me for a while and somehow during the beating I ended up in a fetal position. When he finally stopped he crouched down to where I was laying "well I better not beat you to much now, wouldn't want to ruin that ugly body off yours to much". He smirked and stod up.

I didn't want to move from my position as my body hurt to much so I layed there as he looked at the door and started walking towards it. "I'm heading out so don't make me any dinner" he said.

I didn't respond but just glared daggers into his back as he left. I hate him, I hate him with everything I have for what he does to me, though I couldn't blame him ,beacuse everything he said was true. I was just a useless brainless idiot after all not even my mother wanted me. He never asked to be stuck with such a dumb kid, Yeah that's it that's why he hates me and I shouldn't hate him beacues it's all my's all my fault.

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