Chapter 32

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I hurried over to the bar where I had always met the villains. I didn't even think about knocking and just bursted through the door, my sudden appearens was immidietly met with four pair of eyes staring at me.

"Oh so what brings you here today?" Shigaraki smirked as he took a sip of his glass of whiskey. I growled threatingly at him "You know why" I was boiling over with rage, this was all his fault, he did this.

"Actually I have no idea-" "STOP PLAYING GAMES!" I stalked over to him and grabbed his shirtcollar. "I know it was you, don't you fucking dare deny it!"

Shigarakis smirk dissapeard as I forced him to stand and was replaced with a serious, almost angry look "If I was you I'd be a little more carefull" he grittered out and slowly grabbed my wrist.

I let out a pained whine and tried to remove my hand as my skin began to decay, "l-let go" I looked between him and my hand multible times.

"I don't know what you talking about but don't you dare forget your place"

The pain was becoming excruciating as I could now both see and sense the blood sipping through Shigarakis fingers. There was a moment of silence as I unsuccesfully tried to remove my hand once more and Shigaraki refused to let go. "fine I'm sorry, now let go!" I bursted out in a panic.

I looked at Shigaraki my eyes wide waiting for his reaction. It took a few moments but soon enough Shigaraki let go and I immediately retracted my arm, holding my now severly hurt wrist.

"W-why did you do it?" I said now more careful of Shigarakis temper.

Shigaraki looked very unamused at my question and crossed his arm "I told you, I don't know what you're talking about" He was silent for a moment looking at me up and down "But I'm sure whatever happened you deserved it"

This got me going again, "deserved?! How the hell did I deserve that!?" I swung my arm back and closed my eyes in anger "I WASN'T EVEN THE ONE THAT GOT HURT!!"

After that the entire room went silent. Suddenly I felt a finger on my chest, I opened my eyes to see Shigaraki standing before me. Normally I would probably have gotten scared but right now I was overflowing with rage and adrenaline and all I could think about was Kirishima, Kiri who was probably dead.

"Who got hurt?" I met Shigarakis glare in defiance, the way he looked at me, as if I was trash, barely even worth talking to. "My friend, we were attacked in alley a while ago. He's hurt" My hatred only grew for him as I didn't get a response at first but then, once I got it. It only got worse.

Shigaraki kept a straight face for a while and we glared at eachother quietly until finally Shigaraki burst out lauging, He turned away chouckling. "and you think we had something to do with that? That's just hilarious"

That was it, My anger boiled over and I charged at him. I lifted my arm which wasn't hurt and was ready to strike him from behind when suddenly I was stopped.

I fell backwards as a wall of blue flames appeared before me. The heat and light was to much and I lifted my arm in an attemt to protect myself from the scorching flames and sparks coming from them.

"That's enough"

I looked up as I heard Shigaraki say that and the blue flames suddenly disappeared.

Before me stood the most terrifying group I'd ever encountered, the group that had made my life a living hell. My vision was messed up from having those flames apear right before me all of a sudden and I could only make out the silhouettes but from what I could tell the whole leauge was there.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now