Chapter 8

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My shift was almost over when I saw something that made my eyes go wide.

I emediatly hid under the counter "Kami wh-" I put a finger over my mouth to tell Sumi to be quiet.

She gave me a questioning look but didn't say anything.

"Hello would you like a drink? " Sumi said in a somewhat bored voice.

"No I'm here on business" the tired and monotone voice whose owner is come to admire answered.

"You're here on business? You know this is a bar at a club right?"

"Yes but I'm waiting for someone so you can leave"

"Rude" I heared Sumi mumble as she went to mix some drinks for other costumers.

I continued hiding behind the counter as I heard a chair being pulled out. "You're late" he said to who ever was sitting next to him.

I hesitantly decided to check who he was talking to and peeked my head up a brief moment. Beside Aizawa sat a twig man?

"yeah sorry I got stuck saving some people on my way here and accedentely used up my time"

He's a hero? He doesn't look very strong I emediatly crouched down further as Aizawa shot a look my way.

That was way to close, he almost saw me. There's no way I could let him know I was working here he'd force me to quit a hundred procent.

"Why did you want to meet here anyway?" Aizawa asked the twig man

"Well I thought It would be fun and nobody would recognize us"

"Nobody would recognize us anyway if you didn't show up in your hero form"

"Alright anyway" I smirked a little the twig man obviously wanted to change the subject. "I wanted to talk about the new student that will be coming into your class"

I moved a little in excitement and listened more than I've ever done in class before. We were getting a new classmate I wonder who they are and what they're like. I started getting really excited

"Well as you know his quirk is brainwash" Aizawa said.

His quirk is brainwash I hope he's not to dangerous or to strong I don't want to slip even further behind the rest- No bad Denki what am I thinking, I shouldn't hope for that, there's no way he's as weak as me if he's allowed to transfer in the middle of the school year.

"Yes I know" I heard the twigman agree. "and from what I understand you guys are quiet close as well?" he directed this toward Aizawa more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah he's been living with me and Hizashi for quiet a while now"

Wait were getting Aizawas kid?!

I was brought out off my thought by one off my coworkers calling me. "Denki one off the guests puked on the dance floor again I need you to clean it up!"

I froze on my spot oh no this was not good I. Could. Not. Let Aizawa see me

"it's fine I'll take it" I looked up surprised at Sumi. She winked at me and went to get the cleaning supplies. I need to remember to thank her later.

I looked up over the counter to see that the two men had left and let out a relived sigh as I brought myself up with help from the counter.

I need to be more careful in the future.

The rest of the weekend pased very quickly. My mind kept coming back to that transfer student, I don't know why but for some reason I was really excited for it, it wasn't like me at all.

I watched as Yui, Koji and Kaito stepped on the school bus before starting to head towards UA.

I wonder what he'll be like? I mean he is Aizawas son so probably really serious and tired all the time. I wonder if they take father son naps togheter.

I chuckled quietly to my self as I imagined Aizawa in his famous yellow sleeping bag as well as a mini Aizawa with a mini sleeping bag.

"Hey Kami!" I looked up surprised to see Kirishima and Bakugo just up ahead off me and what was more they were both holding hands. Kirishima was smiling and waving at me telling me to hurry up while Bakugo had his usual frown and muttered something.

Probably just insults I shrugged and hurried to catch up to the two

"Yo guys what's up?" I asked once I caught up.

"Nothing you need to worry about Pikachu" Bakugou snapped but I just laughed it off.

Kirishima on the other hand looked like he was bursting with excitement. "Well, if you didn't know Bakugo and I are official now"

you mean like a couple?" I asked surprised.

"yeah got a problem with that idiot!" Bakugo practically yelled in my face.

"no ofcurse not" I rubbed the back off my neck. "I was just surprised that's all"

"That better be all" he muttered and I decided to once more just play it off. "Did you guys now we're getting a new transfer student today?" I asked excitedly

"What really bro? He must be super manly if he gets to transfer during the school year like that" Kirishima said now also interested i' this new student of ours.

"Whatever it's just another extra for me to beat" Bakugo huffed.

"Of course he's not as manly as you" Kirishima said and quickly pecked Bakugo's sheek. My own sheeks went a little red, it felt like I was intruding on a moment or something.

"Whatever shitty hair" I could tell Bakugo tried to play it off but the pink on his cheeks gave it all away.

I chuckled slightly at the embarrassed Bakugo but stopped once Kirishima asked.

"So kami how much did you study this weekend?"

"Study? what do you mean? did we have homework? " I could tell by the way Kirishima deadpanned we did. "seriusly bro we got a test at second period and we have an English assignment til today, you said you were going to study more"

"Oh y-yeah guess I forgot" lies

"Come on kiri what do you really expect out off an idiot like him" Bakugo smirked.

"Bro that's no-" "no its fine" I interrupted. "he's not very wrong, after all I am kinda dumb"

"Kami you're no-"

"Hey why don't we race til school" I tried to change the subject. I really didn't like where this conversation was going.

"What are you like five?" Bakugo asked.

I let out a fake laugh. "maybe"

After that we fell into an awkward silence, I could tell by the way Kiri was glaring at Bakugo he was mad. Oh no please don't tell me I made them fight, God I'm useless I shouldn't even try to be friends with them I'm just ruining everything. I don't deserve to be their friend.

I stated to enternaly freak out and was going to say something stupid as I always do to break the silence when I heard Bakugo curse.

Both Kirishima and I turned our attention to him and saw he was looking at his phone.

"Damn it I forgot to charge my phone. Dumbass you get to charge it once we get to UA okay" he didn't even look at me but I answered any way.

"Of course no problem I'll gladly do that" I said way to excited. Tone it down Denki they'll figure out you don't want to do it

"Hey if it's not to much trouble could you charge mine to?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah totally don't worry" it's just a little bit off pain nothing I can't handle. After all I should be used to it by now

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now