Chapter 35

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Denki POV
I took a deep breath before opening the door to the small closet like room. I could see Shinsou with his hands tied behind his back sitting in one of the corners, it hurt so much to see him like that, especially knowing I was responsible for it.

I knew there was no point in waiting and decided to walk in with the plate of food I had. Immedietly as I took a step his glaring eyes turned to me, they were filled with so much hatred and anger I had to stop myself from letting out a whimper.

I sighed, I probably deserve it.

As I walked up to him and crouched down he didn't say a word, he didn't need to. His restenfull eyes told me enough and we both remained in silence. That was until I took a table spoon of food and offered it to him. I would have liked to untie him but I knew the villains would loose their shit if I did and besides, Shinsou would probaby kill me as soon as I let him loose. Not that that was a bad thing I thought to myself. It would probably just not be a good ide because he'd most likely get caught and I can't have the villains hurting him. There was no way I would let that happen. Even if I died, I would never let anyone hurt him.

I let out a sigh and put the spoon down when he refused to open his mouth "You need to eat" I stated. I didn't expect an answer to that but the one I got made my already broken heart ache. "You're a fucking monster" He said while glaring daggers at me. The hatred he held for me was almost funny, not even Araki looked at me like that. The only person I had ever met who hated me that much was myself.

"Take it you're not going to eat then?"I sighed once more and when I didn't get an answer I stood up, turning around to get ready to leave but then, I suddenly heard his voice again.

"Was all this a game to you? Were you just playing all of us?" No you're wrong.

I didn't say anything but couldn't help but clutch my fists and grit my teeth at his words, why would I ever do that?

"Why? Was it beacuse of money? Or maybe you just like to watch people suffer!" No. Stop it!

"Why do you want that!?" I don't! "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU TO WANT TO HURT PEOPLE!?"

"I DONT!" My eyes went wide as I realized I'd said it out loud.

"Oh really, then why?" Shinsou said obviously not believing me. It hurt a lot to hear him say it with such venom in his voice and I closed my eyes to calm myself down for a minute. I can't loose control now. All I need to focus on is making sure Shinsou gets out of here safely. I don't care what he thinks of me, I don't care about anything except him.

Once my heart didn't feel like it was going to explode as much and all I could feel was dense heavy emotion in my chest I took a deep breath and turned back to Shinsou, making sure not to look him in the eyes. I didn't dare to.

I leaned down to pick up the tray of food I'd left but stopped suddenly as I heard him. "I can't belive I ever loved you"

......he...Loved me?

My eyes shot up immediately locking with his purple ones. I could only imagine how I looked to him at that moment, but with the despair I felt it couldn't been good. It felt like everything around me was falling to pieces and the only thing that kept going through my mind was his words over and over again.

I can't belive I loved you...

Shinsou POV
Why the hell does he look so sad!? He doesn't have any right to feel that way! I could feel the anger inside me boiling as I looked at the person I'd once dreamed of calling my boyfriend.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now