Chapter 19

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Denki P.O.V

"We need to leave now" Mr. Araki said harshly.

"Alright guys behave while I'm gone okay?" I looked at the three kids with concern.

It was time to go that place where I was suposed to meet the villains. I have no idea what they're going to do with me so this might be the last time I see the kids. I whish I could have protected them better, then non off this would have happened.

I hugged all three of the kids, one at a time before standing up my full length.

"You'll be back, right Den-den?" Hearing Yui ask me this broke my heart but I did my best to hide it. I smiled a bright smile at them. "Of course I will"

I then left them in their room and walked down stairs to where Mr. Araki was waiting.

As soon as I got downstairs I got a slapp to my right cheek. "That's for being late now let's go"

He then started walking and I hurried after him. Bye.... Guys

We left the apartemt and started walking down the street. After about twenty minutes or so we came to a stop infront off an old run down bar. Mr. Araki walked in and I nervously followed.

The lighting was dim inside but it was till enough to clearly see the cramped room. Behind the counter stood the mist villain cleaning a glass with some kind off rag.

At the bar stools sat a few other villains. I recognized the burned one but not the other two. One off them were a girl about my age though so I guessed that was the villain who attacked Tsu and the others.

The female villain was the first to notice us and squiled in excitement at the sight. "Look Dabi it's Denki" He said happily getting off the seat and walking up to me.

How does she know my name?

"Hi Denki my name is Toga it's super nice to meet you let's be best friends okay?" I tried to take a step back but Mr. Araki placed a hind on my back stopping me.

"Who are you"

"Oh well that's not nice Denki, you need to listen" She scolded me and pulled a knife out off her pocket. A freaking knife?!

My eyes widened at the sight off the weapon. "Toga stop it, you're just scaring him" The villain who I heard Toga call Dabi said with a bored voice.

"You're mean I'm just welcoming him here" she turned around and put her hands on her hips.

"No you didn't you were going to stab him" He said still with a bored and monotone voice as he started to play around with the drink in his hand.

"So what? I bet he has great blood. I was just going to check" okay what the hell is wrong with thies people?!

I wanted nothing more than to get out off here now,but sadly that wasn't an option. It wasn't long until Shigaraki came into the room with another man.

He gave Toga and Dabi a look who were still arguing but ignored them and walked over to me and Mr. Araki with the other man.

The man he was with in question was long but not particularly big. He had a nose ring as well as multible other piercings. He also wore glasses and a short sleeved shirt,you could even see a tattoo on his arm. Despite his build though there was no mistaking the fact that he was a villain. His eyes were cold and he had a cruel smile on his lips.

"sit" Shigaraki commanded me and pointed towards a chair.

I opened my mouth getting ready to argue but was pushed into the chair by the man. He was a lot stronger than he looked.

He then pulled out a black suitcase and opened it up. I couldn't really see what was in it but what ever it was it couldn't be good. Before I knew what was happening the man pulled out a black collar and went for my throat to try and attach it.

I immediately went into high gear at the thought off his hands around my throat and started to struggle.

"Let me go!" I yelled and tried to stand up. By now all the other people in the room had stopped whatever they were doing and were listening in on us. Some of them even got into fighting positions as they noticed me struggling.

I stood up and was about to try and walk when I felt a hard punch to the stomach and I immediately fell down on the chair again.

I tried to get the air back into my lungs as Mr. Araki voice was heard. There had been no question about it, I'd been hurt enough times by his fist to know he was the one who punched me. "Do as you told you useless piece off trash"

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. I hate him so much

Then Shigaraki leaned in closer to me. I suggest you take his advice, you might not care if you live or not but I'm pretty sure you care if those kids does"

My eyes went wide with the horror at the thought off them hurt and I immediately stopped struggling.

"Good pet"

I sat completely still letting the man attach the coklar on me. I once let a tear slip out but was quick to hide it. I shouldn't cry, especially not infront off them. It felt like all of this was just a horrible nightmare and that I would wake up any minute and realize it was all just a dream. Sadly I wasn't that lucky

As soon as he was done I was jumped by Toga . "Yay Denki now we can be best friends, now that you're one off us that is"

I tried to push her off while glaring daggers at Shigaraki. "I'm not one off you guys" I said not letting my eyes off Shigaraki who just smirked. He then picked up something that looked like a remote and pressed a button.

Suddenly painful energy shot through my vains. It felt like when I used my quirk just a hundred times worse.

I fell to the floor in severe pain. But then suddenly it stopped, I looked up at the villains who were smirking.

"Well atleast it works" Dabi said. What works? Wait did they do that

"W-What did you do?" I asked as I tried to stand up.

"Well you see it's actually your quirk" Shigaraki said smirking. He was like a kid who'd just gotten a new toy for Christmas only this time I was that toy.

"The collar is connected to your quirk so we can activate it whenever we want to" He continued explaining "it also have some other good stuff in it like a tracker and bomb and stuff"

My eyes went wide. Did he just say bomb?!

"what do you mean b-bomb?"

"Well I thought you knew what a bomb was-"

"Yeah if we want to we can make you and everybody around you go Boom" Toga interrupted.

I started to breathe faster. They have to be kidding, this can't be happening. It's all just a dream I'll wake up any minute now and it will all just be a horrible dream.

I grabbed my necklace in a try to calm down but I was already in full panic mode.

"Is he okay?" Toga asked and waved her hand infront off me though I barely even regiseted it.

"I think he's having a panic attack" someone said.

"God this brat is such a useless idiot" Mr. Araki then walked up to me and punched me. It hurt but it actually made me snap out off it, the only problem now was that I knew I was in real trouble. Mr. Araki looked pissed.

"Well anyway you guys can go now. Well contact you with instructions later" Shigaraki said nonchalantly and then started to walk away.

Please let this just be over soon, I don't want to do this I don't want to be a villain. Please just let it all end.

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