Chapter 14

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After Mr. Araki was done and I'd made some dinner, I tried to help the kids with their homework as fast as I could without being late for work.

Before leaving for work though the kids looked at me with those puppy eyes only they could make and it made my heart melt. So I ended up texting Ryder if the kids could come with me today as well. I swear those little monkeys can be quite manipulative when they want to.

"alright guys got everything?" I looked at all the three kids making sure they looked ready to go before heading out the apartment.

"Den-den why do you work so much?"

I looked at Yui surprised. I didn't expect her to ask that. I looked up at the blue sky as we walked "I guess so I'll be able to be with you guys" I looked down on the kids and smiled.

"Then I want to work to so we can be together forever" She practically beamed.

I chuckled at that and patted her head slightly "alright maybe when you get older okay?"

"It's not fair I want to work to" She said grumpy and crossed her arms. I just laughed at her cuteness though.

After I finished laughing we continued our walk in silence for a short while. I was busy thinking and spacing out as usual. "Trust me kid you don't want to work"

The kids looked up at me surprised. "what was that?" Kaito asked

Damn it I didn't mean to say that out loud. I just laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back off my neck "nothing just something a person omce told me a long time ago"

The kids seemed to accept this very vague answer and we continued on our walk. That was until Koji noticed my slight limp.

"Denki are you okay?" I looked at Koji with a questioning look. Why would he ask that? I'm fine, totally, right?

He nodded towards my leg and then I realized it. "Yeah hundred procent, I just tripped earlier" it was actually becoming scary how good I was becoming at lying.

"Is Den-den hurt?" Yui asked

"nah don't worry it's just a scratch I ensured.

"Yeah that's right because Denki is becoming a hero and everybody know heroes can't get hurt" Kaito butted in.

I smiled a soft smile at them before stopping them and crouching down before them. "that's right, so don't you guys worry about me okay?"

All the kids nodded at this and we soon continued our walk.

Once we got to the store I took the kids to our workroom and simply turned the old TV on there. That should keep them occupied for atleast a couple hours. The kids weren't used to watching TV as we weren't allowed to use the one at the apartment, and deep inside that broke my heart. The kids deserved to have everything or atleast what all the other kids get. It's not fair that they have to put upp with this. I need to make sure fix this soon.

I was now currently handling the kachregister when I noticed something between the shelves. It looked like the top of some purple hair. Wait a second, I think know that purple hair.

And before I had time to think Shinso and Aizawa stepped out in full view.

"Come on dad I'm sure Moon will be happy with either one off those" Shinso was taking about the two different cat foods Aizawa was currently studying. So they have a cat? Not important now Denki get it togheter.

I shook my head trying to get rid off the thought. "Kaminari?" I looked up to see Shinso starting to walk towards me with a look of surprise on his face.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now