Chapter 20

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A few days later.
Shinso POV

"Hey I'm heading out in a while and I'm going to stop on my way back, do you want anything?" Dad peaked his head in my room and asked.

"No I'm fine, where you going anyway?" I asked not looking up from the book I was reading.

"Nowhere special" He said and was about to close the door. Nowhere special huh? I layed my book down and crawled off bed.
"Where exactly is this nowhere special?"

"Look you know I can't tell you stuff like this okay I need to go now"

"Wait!" I called and walked up to him. "Is this about Kaminari?" The surprise in his face told me it was even though he was quick to cover it up.

He knew he'd messed up though and gave up the facade. He sighed "You know I can't tell you things about other students"

"I know but Kaminari's my friend and I want to help him, please dad" it wasn't like me to ask things and he knew I wouldn't give up.

"Fine, I'm making a home visit to him and his parents. Now I really do have to leave"

"Can I come with?"

He seemed to consider this for a while before finally deciding. "Allright but you gotta do as I tell you okay?"

"Yeah whatever" I said and we both left my room.

"You sure you got the right adress?" I asked as I stepped out off the car.

"It's what it says on his papers anyway"

We started walking to some old rundown apartment complex. I'd gotten worried at first once we entered the worst part off town but my worriness only grew once I saw this place. It looked like it was barely standing.

We walked past a couple doors on our way to his. You could hear arguing or loud music coming from most off the them. Me and dad exchanged some worried looks, we both knew that if he was truly living here there was a big change that some bad or possibly shady things happening in his life. It's sad but true that most people who grow up in places like this turn to villainy or some other type off criminal job.

Dad frowned once he stopped infront of one off the doors. It didn't look any different then the other doors. "You sure this is the place?" I asked hoping he'd say no. He sighed "There's only one way to find out, but even if this is the case let's not jump to any conclutions"

I'm not sure whether he was trying to convince me or himself but he sighed once more before stepping forward and firmly knocking on the door. It took a while before anything could be heard from the other side of the door but soon there was ruffiling and quiet cursing coming from the other side.

Not long after that the door opened. "What do you want?" A man who looked to be in his mid-thirties with black glancy hair and dark grey eyes asked.

"Are you Denki Kaminaris guardian?"

The man seemed to be studying us. It must seem weird that a hero and kid suddenly just showed up at his door asking about his son. "Yeah what do you want" He asked suspicius.

"Could we come in? It's about your son, i'm his teacher at UA" Dad said with a stone cold face. Dad might not come off as it but he really do care about all his students, this must be incredibly hard for him.

The mans attitude changed drastically at my dads words. "Well ofcourse come right in Mr hero" He said with a smile. I don't like this guy, he's acting suspicious and he doesn't even look like Kaminari for christ sake, something's not right here.

"Please no such formalities" Dad said and followed the man inside.

"Alright do I call you mr. AIzawa then?"

"If you wish" dad said with a bored yawn.

Once we were inside a deep smell off alcohol hit me. I couldn't help but frown at the faul smell and Mr Kaminari seemed to notice this as he said. "You'll have to excuse our neighbours they had a party the other day and sadly smells really do travel here"

Neither dad nor I commented on this as he led us to a couch and offered us a place to sit. We decided to sit, even though this man had given us no reason to trust him. I couldn't help but tense at his presens. He had this like dark aura around him.

"Denki son do you mind coming down here for a sec?" Mr. Kaminari asked out loud before giving us a soft smile.

"Don't worry he'll be here in just a minute"

Denki POV

I was in the kids room playing with them when I heard Mr. Arakis voice coming from downstairs.

"Denki son do you mind coming down here for a sec?" what's with that? he never calls me by my name and he definatly doesn't call me son. Weird

The sudden kindness in his words made me suspicious. "Hey guys I'm going to go down stairs for a minute you guys stay up here, okay?" I said to the kids before walking to the door.

Something was definatly up here. I don't know what it was but what ever it was it wasn't good.

I silently closed the door before making my way down the stairs. I stopped at the last step though as I saw something I did not expect nor hope to see.

Aizawa and Shinso were sitting in the couch on the other side off Mr. Araki. Oh boy this can't be good.

I hesitantly walked over to them. "Yes you wanted to see m-me?" I asked trying to hide my fear. Mr. Araki will be so pissed about this, he hates heroes and its my fault Mr. Aizawa is here, I'm sure off it.

"Oh Denki good off you to join us I was just talking to your teacher about the fact that he thinks you're not eating enough, is that true?"

I could see he was just pretending to sound worried. It was clear to someone who'd grown up with him but totally impossible to figure for anybody else that he was incredibly angry.

He gave me a warning glare telling me to lie. "Really? that doesn't sound right, I ate just a couple off hours ago" I lied perfectly. I even managed to plaster on a fake smile.

"See there's no problem here" Mr. Araki turned to Aizawa and smiled.

Aizawa didn't seem to truly belive us though and just gave us both a sceptical look.

"Anyway, after everything that has happened with Bakugou and all I just wanted to make sure everybody was dealing safely and answer any questions they might have"

"Well that's nice off you. Now that you mention it Denki has been acting kind off different lately. I would get him help with a therapist but sadly I can't afford it"

He then gestured around the room. "As you can see we're not exactly bathing in money"

He can't be serious, is he seriously trying to get money out off Aizawa. You have got to be kidding me.

Aizawa was analyzing Mr. Araki. God this is bad, why did he have to do that, he might have messed everything up.

"Well we do offer therapy at UA if you belive that's what's best for him."

"Thank you so much I'll definatly consider that. Wasn't that nice son?"

I clenched my teeth at his words. I knew he wanted me to answer but I couldn't. I hated calling him that, it was all just a big lie anyway.

"Yeah... Dad"

"You know what, why don't you go and get something to drink and I'll continue talking to you teacher here" He said not looking at me but I saw that he was trying to hide a smirk.

"Okay" I said quietly. I knew I wasn't acting like myself right now and that must raise some suspicion. But I'd rather have that than Mr. Araki getting angry enough to stop acting. I couldn't have that.

I was just about to walk to the kitchen when Shinso stood up. "Wait I'll help you" I'd totally forgotten he was even there.

I just gave him a small nod before walking to the kitchen.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now