Chapter 2

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A/N if you guys didn't notice my chapters are kind off long. I don't really know if that's a good thing or not it's pretty hard for me to shorten them but please let me know if you guys want them to be😊


The rest off the day went by in a flash. Lessons I didn't understand, herotrainning with resulted in me getting shortcircited and even more lessons I didn't understand.

"Hey kami we were going to go to the mall later today you coming?"

"Sorry Kiri but I got to study" I answered as I put the last of my stuff in my bag.

"Who are you trying to fool? we all know you're just gonna play videogames" Mina comented playfully.

"Lets go idiots, it's obvious he doesn't want to come with us" Bakugou said grumpingly.

"No that's not it at all" I was quick to respond. god now they think I don't want to be with them. But I really don't have time today.

Bakugou glared at me for talking back. I gulped and tried to think of something to say.

"Hey it's fine kami maybe next time" Kirishima gave me one of his reassuring smiles.

"Yeah totally dude" I smiled gratefull for the save.

"Alright but I better not see you online later" Mina called as they started making their way out of the classroom.

"I can't promise anything" I called after them.

Once they were gone I let out a sigh and looked at the clock. My eyes went wide once I saw how much time had actually passed. Shit I'm so going to be late. I hurried to grab my backpack and run out of the classroom.

I ran out of the school and was just going to pass the gate when I accidently ran into someones back. Great can I be any clumsier? I fell to the ground and two stunning eyes turned to see who'd ran into them.

"It's you again" I opened my mouth to speak to the sleepdeprived boy but before I could speak he said . "You're that guy from the roof" he then reached out his hand for me to grab.

"Yeah that's me, thanks" I gratefully accepted his hand.

"I'm Denki Kaminari by the way" I watched in awe at the stunning boy.

"I'm Hitoshi Shinso"

We stood there in an awkward silence before I realized what I was doing.

"I need to go" I got ready to run but before I had a chance to do anything Shinso grabbed my arm.


I looked at him confused. "I...ehm will you eat lunch on monday on the roof again?"

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say, did he want me to eat lunch with him? No that's not it he just wants to know so if I'm there he will be able to avoid me.

I pulled my arm towards me and he let go "sorry dude but I don't think so" it wouldn't be fair of me to steal his lunch place. I showed him a quick smile before running away.

Shinso POV

after that boy, Kaminari I belive his name was ran off I stood there not sure what happened. Maybe he just didn't want to have lunch with me?

I looked at the direction he ran off to. He was cute though, a little scrawny but cute non the less.

I let out a sigh. What's with me? it's not like me to want to actually  be with people. I need to get home to dad soon though. I'm pretty sure if I'm not there dad's going to end up ripping out pops voical shords.

Soon enough I turned around and continued walking down the street. Kaminari must live near me I realized as I walked the same direction he'd run of to. Maybe I'll get to see him again.

Denki POV

I stopped running at the buss stop and It wasn't soon until I was tackled by three little bodies. I struggled to keep my balance and catch my breath at the same time. "sorry I'm late guys"

"I thought you'd left us Den-den" Yui said with tears in her beauteful silver eyes.

"Hey don't cry" I said wiping away a tear from her freckled cheek. "I just got held up at school"

"Yeah well it's not like we were worried or anything" Kaito crossed his arms and turned away.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled, I could clearly see the red tint to his eyes aswell "sure Kaito" I ruffled his hair and laughed as he tried to push my hand away but couldn't help smiling in the prosses.

All the kids handed me their schoolbags and we started heading back to the house. "So Koji how was your day?"

He squirmed at the attention, Koji was exctremly shy, "G-good"

"really what did you do?" I asked as I put my hand out to stop Yui from walking as a biker rode by.

Koji started fidgeting with his hands and I was just going to tell him he didn't have to tell me when Kaito decided to answer. "There was this kid picking at Koji earlier"

I frowned at this as we continued walking. "well what happened?"

"Well he called Koji weird so I punched him" He puffed out his chest proudly.

I let out a sigh "you can't just punch people cause they're mean"

"Why not?" Yui tilted her head cutily but I just let out another sigh. "Beacuse it's wrong" They didn't seem to get it so I stopped and crouched down infront off them. "look just beacue people are mean doesn't mean you can be mean as well you should try and talk to them and if that doesn't work you should get an adult"

"But adults are bad" Koji chippered quietly. "yeah why would we tell them when all they do is take you away?" asked Kaito

My eyes went wide in realization. "look adults aren't bad they're just trying to help in their own way"

"Are you going to be taken away again Den-den?"

"no, no don't worry" I hugged Yui as I could tell she was getting upset. As soon as she calmed down though I looked at all the kids, I didn't know how to explain this so they would understand.

In middle-school a teacher had noticed some things and decided to report me to socialservices, I'd been taken out off the house and into the system again.

I'd been to quite a few families in my years and one thing they all had in common were that they were all awful so there was no way I was going to allow them to take the kids away and splitt them into different families, atleast here I could protect them. Besides once I gratuate UA I'm planning on start looking for good families to take them in so in a few years it'll all be fine.

"Just promise me no more fights okay?" it was the only thing I could come up with.

"o-okay" Yui and Koji said at the same time.

I turned my gaze to Kaito and lifted an eyebrow "really?"

he grumpily turned away from me and pretended to be mad. I sighed "guess you leave me no choice" I started tickling him. "s-stop" he got out between the laughes. "not until you admit it" I comanded while tickling him harder.


"okay what?"

"okay I won't get in a-any more f-fights just s-stop"

I smirked victoriusly as I stopped tickling him. "I win" He put his tung out to me and I did the same.

"okay guys time to get back" I stood up and grabbed Yui's hand. I could tell they all tensed at my words. It was so sad watching them do that. one day I will get them all good homes I promised myself as we continued our walk back.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now