chapter 7

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A/N alright I'm really starting to feel bad for Denki why can't he just catch a break!? oh right it's beacuse off my writing. I'm sorry Denki please just stick with it for a while longer. Okay but honeslt I am really starting to feel sorry for him.


After Mr Araki left I went to the bathroom and got myself cleaned up. My entire stomach shifted from a shade off dark purple to light green. Great this totally won't be a pain to hide during school on monday.

After I was done getting myself cleaned up, making the kids some food and helping them with their homework, mostly Kaito because Yui was to small to have homework harder than coloring and Koji was some what off a secret genius. I put them to bed and left for the club.

It was honestly some what off a miracle I still had that job thinking that no reasonable person should let a fiveteen year old kid handle a bar by them self. But who am I to complain atleast I was able to work and get money to take care off the kids.

I arived at the club after 30 minutes and walked through the staff exit. I quickly went to the back room to change into some off my work clothes which consisted off a black pair off pants, a white shirt, a vest over the shirt and a black tie to go with it.

"Hey Kaminari"

I leaned back to look who called my name as I tied the tie. "Yo Kazue" I smiled brightly and waved a little at the larger male.

"Ready to take over my shift soon? I'm sure Sumi will be exited to see you"

I just rolled my eyes and finished tying the tie. Sumi usually worked togheter with me in the bar and Kazue loved to tease me about it, I think he thought he was funny. He himslef was gay and I'm pretty sure he fighured out I was aswell so he just wanted to annoy me.

Kazue was a tall slim man in his early twenties, he had purple hair shaved on one side but somehow that only made him look even more professional. He usually had a kind smile on his lips and could be quite the charmer sometimes.

I walked out to the bar. It wasn't to full right now thinking it was barely nine a clock but I knew that would change. I had the midnight shift and once it struck midnight on a saturday lets just say it can get a little crowded. That was actually why both Sumi and I had to work the midnight shift. only one barteneder wouldn't be able to keep up with all the customers.

"Hey kami how's it going?" A girl that looked to be between 19-20 years old and had short blue hair asked.

I smiled at Sumi "I'm good what about you?" I heard a whistle coming from the back room where Kazue had walked into. "SHUT UP YOU DAMN IDIOT!" Sumi yelled as she activated her quirk which gave her extremly sharp and almost shark like teeth. I flinshed slightly at the raised voice but tried to play it off by chuckling slightly. Sumi though wouldn't allow her slef to be fooled

"I'm sorry sweetie are you okay?" She asked in a quiet and conserned voice

"Y-yeah totally" I showed her a bright smile and put a hand on the back off my neck. "Maybe we should just get to work?"

"Sounds like a plan" she shippered happily. "AS LONG AS THAT IDIOT LEAVES US ALONE!" She yelled once more towards the back room.

I chuckled slightly and got to work.


The night seemed to go somewhat smotely until a man who I suspected was way to drunk for his own good started talking to me. "oh come on sweetie just one more drink" he slurred. We who worked in the bar had the right to refuse costumes drinks if we belived they would be to intoxicated to take care off them self later and that's exactly what I was doing. "come on" he whined as I gave another costumer his drink.

"You know what, you don't have to give me a drink if you give me.." I could tell he was eyeing my body with his discusting pig eyes, I bet he already was undressing me with his eyes. My cheeks went red from both embarasment and anger "you know wh..." I turned around to tell him to go away but just as I did that I accedentely pushed a glas over the counter. Great I thought as I watched the drink fall and spill all over a costumer.

The woman inquestion stood up horrified, as her now propably very expensive dress was ruined.

"What the hell do you think you're doing you damn brat?!" a man with gray hair who looked to be in his early 50 and a buissnes man grudging by the buisness suit he was wearing said.

"I-I'm so sorry" I tried to apologize.

"You know what" he grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward. "you're going to pay for ruining our night"

"I-I" I was starting to shake uncontrollably as I looked into the inraged mans eyes. He was probably drunk to, oh no please don't tell me he's like Mr. Araki I don't want to get beat again today.

I closed my eyes readying myself for the punch but before anything could happen I heard a frightent yelp from the man and he let go off my shirt.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Sumi holding the mans wrist while the woman he had been with was yelling at them telling man to get her off of him. I almost couldn't help but smile at this, the big man who looked like he was twice as strong was crying at a girl who was holding his wrist.

Though I did feel a tad bit sorry for the man in question. Even though Sumi didn't have any kind off super strengthening quirk her strenth was almost as strong as someone with an strenth inhasing quirk.

"Calm down or i'll have to escort you and your daughter out off this place" She kept her voice low and threatening.

"M-my daughter? just so you know she is actuallt my gir-

" I don't care. If you bother any off my coworkers again I'll make sure you'll never step a foot in this club again got that? "

The man eyes went wide as Sumi started putting more pressure on his wrist. "y-yeah I-I got t-that" he answered terrified.

"Good now leave this place, alright" She put on one off he sickly sweet smiles that gave me goosebumps and let him go.

He looked to be in edge as he walked over to grab some things he'd left by the bar "Come on we're leaving" He said to the woman still cautiously looking at Sumi.

"what?! Are to seriously going to let this girl push you around?" she whined.

"Let's go" he said as he started to walk towards the exit.

"fine but you're going to have to pay extra for this"

They both started to walk towards the exit and Sumi and I locked eyes. We tried to keep a serious face on but when we heard "wait up you know I can't walk so fast in these heels" from somewhere outside the exit we couldn't hold it in anymore.

We both burst out laughing. "did you see his face when you- and when" I couldn't fully form a sentence do to laughing so hard.

"yeah I know" Sumi wiped away a tear.

We took a moment to collect ourself before we got back to work.

"Thanks for the save Sumi" I said while wiping a glass.

"no problem you know I'm always here to help you get out off trouble" She gave on off her full shark smiles and I tried to keep my smile as well but my eyes got darker.

She shouldn't feel guilty to try and help me. It's not her fault, I need to make sure I don't mess up again, I need to make sure I'm not a burden.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now