Chapter 36

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Denki POV

I struggled to stay sitting against the wall as I could feel my strength slipping away from me. The big knife wound in my stomach wouldn't stop bleeding no matter how much I tried to stop it, my ripped T-shirt slowly becoming more and more drenched in blood.

I grimached as I pushed myself up with my free hand. It felt like my whole body was on fire, it hurt so much. Come on Denki...just...focus on your...breathing. I tried to block out the pain but with each shaky breath I took, I could see black dots forming infrot of my eyes. It was starting to become a struggle just to stay awake and I let out a whine as I once more tried to move into a more comfortable  position. I guess I really am dying here, huh. Well it could have been worse, atleast Shinsou's safe. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall still trying but also still failing to block out the pain. It was a pretty shity life anyway, but hey atleast now I can't cause any more harm. I thought and accedentely chuckled, though it ended up turning into a couch and I felt something running down my mouth. Slowly I moved my free hand to check what it was, red. I wasn't even suprised anymore, it was blood. I should have known they wouldn't let me die easy, not with my luck. I closed my eyes once again to await my inevitable death.

it wasn't long though until I felt a pressens near me. I opened my eyes slightly, to tired to move my head to see Toga crouching down infront of me. Her eyes were totally focused on my wound though and I could see her crazy eyes as she reached for my hand which was covering it. "please....don't" I pleaded quietly but to no avail as she grabbed my wrist and moved my hand. I didn't even have the strength to hold it up once she moved it and let it limply fall to the floor. "please..." I whispered but again no reaction. I couldn't do anything, my body just wouldn't move. All I could do was try to breathe which was becoming even harder and I could hear both my breathing and hearbeat loudly speeding up.

The constant pounding sound in my head was only made worse as I saw her slowly moving her hand closer to my wound. My eyes went wide with realizasion but it was to late, she took out a knife and put it in the already bleeding wound. the pain in my stomach exploded and I gritted my teeth trying not to scream. Stop! no don't! "n-no sto-" It was all I managed to get out but to my suprised she seemed to listen as she quickly pulled out the knife.

I looked at her with exhausted eyes and heavy breathing. It was hard not letting my head fall as I tried to keep it steady. She was studying the knife that was dripping with my blood, she had that crazy smirk as she watched the blood run, my blood.

It took a while for her to notice I was staring but once she did she was seemed to be thinking about something. She slowly lowered the weapon and tilted her head as she said "I don't understand, why would you give your perfectly good blood for that boy?"

I let out a small scoff before letting my head fall back against the wall. I looked at the ceiling as I thought about 'that boy' as she called him. "Because I love him"

I let my eyes wander to her but didn't move my head as I saw that she tilted her head even more. It was obvious she didn't understand. "You've never cared about anyone have you?" Before she had time to answer I continued for her "Who am I kidding, you're a villain. Ofcourse you haven't"

"I had a sister once" I lifted my eyebrows a little in suprise, I'd probably had a bigger reaction if I wasn't so exhausted. "Does that count?" she asked.

I didn't answer her right away and instead just closed my eyes. "you said once, what happened?"

"I don't know, the doctor said she had badblood"

I slowly opened my eyes to look at her. She doesn't look upset about it at all, but what was I expecting from someone like her. I sighed and tried to sit up a little straighter "I'm sorry to hear that" I grimaced a little as pain shot through me and had to close my eyes to try and ease it. When I opened them again I saw that it looked like she wanted to ask something. She was interupted though as soon as she opened her mouth by a stone-cold voice "Toga go sheck on twice, now"

Toga stood up and started walking away waving bye to me but I barely even noticed it. I was to bussy being frozen in fear, increable fear. I did manage to look up though and once I saw Shigarakis smirk I knew what was coming, I closed my eyes praying that this time it would be over soon.

"You ready for round two kid?" I pretended not to hear him and just shut my eyes more tightly. It didn't do any good though, soon enough it began and all I could do was scream in both fear and pain. Scream and pray that'd it be over soon.

Shinsou POV

After my escape I'd just ran as far as possible away from the hideout, I'd looked but couldn't manage to find a police station so I'd ended up hiding for a while until I'd finally  found a normal looking family with an unusually annoying three yearold and asked to use their phone.

With it I'd called dad who'd in turn called the police as well as a bunch of pro heroes. Right now we were standing outside the hideout getting ready to break in.

"Allrgiht let's go over the plan one last time" The lead police officer said before turning to me "Shinsou, you just stick close to locksmith the entire time and don't engage in the battle" I quickly nooded wanting to get this over with, it'd already been several hours, there was no telling what had happened to Denki while I was gone. We need to save him, and fast.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see the prohero locksmith "Don't worry kid, we're going to save your friend, you just make sure not to get hurt out there" I nodded slowly at him before turning back to the police officer. The prohero locksmith was here because of Denkis collar, he had the quirk to unlock anything and would be able to get it off of Denki without a hitch, I was just there because I'd refused to let them go in alone and they thought it'd be good for Denki to have me there aswell. As they said there was no telling what state he'd might be in, so the saftest thing to do was bring someone he was familiar with and trusted.

After a little more explaining dad started speaking "I'll go scout out any other exits that they might try and escape from." The police officer nodded and just as dad was about to go he as well as all the others in the nearby ficinity stopped dead in their tracks. Suddenly an ear-piercing scream was heard and everybody looked towards the building where the sound was still coming from.


Even though it was only a scream I immedietly knew who it belonged to. I have to help him! I thought, panic over coming me and I rushed towards the building not paying any attention to the people telling me to stop. Two men litterely had to hold me back from just running into the building. "You can't just run in like that" a police scolded.

"Didn't you hear that!? We need to help him!" I yelled trying to get out of the mens strong grip. "And we will but we can't go running in blind" He answered calmly. Damn it

I looked at him for a while before sighing, he was right. The police officer noticed my lack of resistment and told the men to let me go which they did. Suddenly another scream was heard but this time I just closed my eyes trying to block it out. Don't worry Denki we're coming

only one chapter left now! I'll try and post it as soon as possible so try and stay tuned until then!

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