chapter 4

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It wasn't long until I heard three tiny set off footsteps coming down stairs. I'd put the food on one plate each for them and put one asaide for Mr. Araki.

"Thank you Den-den"


I and all the kids froze at the spot. I gulped "Hey guys I'll be back I just need to brink mr. Araki his food first"

"Is he going to hurt you again Den-den?" Yui asked with tears in her eyes.

"No ofcourse not don't worry" I showed her a bright smile then I turned to Kaito who was looking at me worridly with his younger borther hiding behind him. I noded towards him and he nodded back.

I took the plate and walked into the room he was in. There was bearbottles everywhere on the floor and coffie table. Mr Araki was sitting on the couch with a bearbottle in his hand. great he's still drunk, not that it was anything unusual or anything it was just annoying beacuse off how flirty he could get when he was drunk.

I walked over to him and placed the food on the coffie table. He just grunted as I placed it down not other wise acknowledging me. Just as I was about to leave the room though he asked not looking away from the TV "where you going?"

"Uhm...o-of to w-work?" I said more like a question. I hated how only being near him made me fill up with fear and how useless I felt around him.

"Don't lie, you're going off to sleep with some random man aren't you"

"w-what?" I was frozen in fear as he stalked over to me with a bear bottle in hand and pinkish cheeks, a clear sign how drunk he was.

"I said your going off to fuck some random dude!" He yelled.

I flinshed at the loud sound fearing he would hit me. He wasn't right but I knew there was no way I could convince him otherwise when he was like this

"well fine then whore why don't you go fuck whoever you want" he slured before walking back to the couch.

Okay he must be really drunk to let me off this easy. I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or not though.

Mr. Araki was an ashole sure but atleast he could be somewhat reasoned with if he was sober and you followed his rules but when he was this drunk there was no telling what he might do, He might even go after one off the kids if I'm not carefull. I decided it was to dangerous to leave the kids here with him alone right now.

So as soon as I walked out off the room I took out my old phone Mr. Araki had given me so he'd always be able to reach me. I put in the one numer I'd learned on my own and pressed call.

"Hello kiddo"

"hey Ryder can I ask a favor from you?"

"well depends on what it is" He answered.

"can the kids come with me to work today?" I asked hurridly.

"why everyting alright at home?" His voice held a bit cornsern one that I knew would lead to no good.

"yeah totally they jus-"

"Don't lie to me kid" His voice held a powerfull authorivation and I almost had to stop myself from flinshing.

I let out a sigh feeling defited, "yeah he's just...uhm....he kinda brouht over one off his friends and I don't feel comfortable leaving the kids with him there" I tried to pull off another lie, one that he still didn't seem to by.

"you sure?"

I gulped and could feel myslef getting nervous "yeah definetly"

"look kid, if he's layed a hand on you or any-"

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now