chapter 30

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I was currently restocking some shelves in the store waiting for kiri to arrive when Ryder started talking. "Hey denki"

I looked up at him suprised " Yeah Ryder?" I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw him standing so close. "Could you stop doing that" I couldn't help but burst out

"Do what?" he asked with a genuinely confused face.

"Never mind." I sighed before going back to restocking the shelves.

"You alright?" I held in a frustrated sigh. seriously again?

"I'm fine" I said but didn't look up.

"You sure?" okay you know what that's it.

I turned around to face him but was caught of guard by his concerned look. "You do look kind of warm" he raised his big hand to I guess place on my forhead to check my tempature but I just took a step back. "I said I'm fine" I mumbled and once again turned back to the shelves.

"Look Denki"

"I SAID I'M FINE RYDER! what the hell is it you don't understand by that!" crap, I snapped

I turned around, fearing for what would come, to see a very unamused Ryder looking at me. "Ryder I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to snap at you, I'm really sorry okay"

He looked at me for a while before sighing. "I know kid."

He shook his head before suddenly turning serious " I know
you've been dealing with a lot but that's no excuse to snap at people" He sighed once more "There will be a time when you have to ask for help, you might not like it nor want to but you'll still need to and shouting at people won't help"

I looked down on the ground in shame. "I know, I'm sorry. Are you mad?"

I could hear another sigh but didn't look up. "It's fine kid don't worry about it"

After that we sank into an awkward silence that stayed that way until Kirishima came.

Once he did we got to work on the project and we actually got surprisingly much done, it might have had something to do with the fact that Ryder let me have a 20 min longer break which was really kind of him, especially after the way I treated him and we all actually ended up having a lot of fun.

"So Kami who was that scary bald guy before" Kiri asked as we were walking back.

"Oh him, that's just Ryder. He's the owner of that store"

"Wait really?! but he was so scary. At first I thought he might have been some kind of mafia boss"

I couldn't help but laugh at this "Ryder a mafia boss I don't think so, He's like the embodiment of kindness, he even volunteeres at an animal rescue on his free time"

"Wait seriusly?"

"Yeah" We both burst out laughing together. Talking to Kirishima like this really made me feel like everything was back to normal and I loved it. It was like everything that had happened with the villains was all just a bad dream and it'd never actually happened.

"So Kaminari I got a question"


"Where are we?"

I looked around and realized we were in some part of town I wasn't very familiar with. "Ehm I'm not sure" I admited.

"Well what do we do now? Should we ask somebody about the way?"

I kept looking around. This isn't really a safe part of the city if we ask the wrong people we might just get robbed instead. I was right about to tell Kiri that when I noticed he wasn't with me anymore. Where'd he go!?

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now