Chapter 22

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Okay so it seems I've been missing something for a while now... How did this story get so many freaking reads its crazy! Thank you guys so much this it really makes me happy and I honestly don't know what to do at this point. When I started this story I had no plan and it was just something I thought of one day but now people are actually reading it and it means so much to me. Thank you all😊

Once I closed the door to the apartment Mr. Araki stood infront of me waiting. "Did he leave?" he asked.

I refused to meets his cold stare "yes"

"Good" I could tell he was smirking but i didn't care. I barely registered when he grabbed me by the throat or when he pushed me against the door. I didn't even care when he slowly started to squeeze, cutting off my oxygen.

I didn't care about anything anymore, I just felt empty. I'd lied to the only people who'd ever shown me kindness. The emotions inside me were non existent but at the same time they were suffocating, I felt empty but at the same time not. It felt like a weight was filling me up and it made me want to cry, but it also seemed to be the one thing keeping me from doing so.

"How dare you bring a hero into this house!" I blocked out Mr. Arakis yelling and the punches he'd now started with. I simply didn't care anymore, everything was already ruined. Nothing mattered anymore.

I was ready to just give up and allow Mr. Araki to beat me to death, hell I even wished he'd do it when suddenly something accoured to me. The kids still needs me! I realized that the kids were probably still in the kitchen and that they still needed me. I couldn't allow myself to die no matter how badly I wanted to, it just wasn't an option.

Sadly though me becoming aware of this also made me become aware of how badly it hurt to be kicked in the ribbs repeatedly. I started hugging my stomach in the posision I was laying in to try to protect myself from Mr. Arakis violent hits.

Then once Mr. Araki noticed this he grabbed me by my shirtcollar and lifted me close to his face. "You're going to pay you little whore" He then proceeded to bang my head against the floor until I blacked out.

The first thing i saw once I woke up were the kids. They were standing over me with tears in their eyes.

"Are you okay?" Koji asked.

I opened my mouth to speak but a wave off nausea flodded over me.

"Denki what's wrong?"

I took a moment to collect myself before sitting up and looked at the kids. Good, they all seem to be okay.

I showed them an exhausted smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine"

"No you're not!" Kaito Shouted with worry in his voice. Why is he worried? did I make him worried please don't tell me I did. I'm the big brother it's my job to take care and worry about them. I can't have them worrying about me. I'm messing everything up. God damit Denki. Stupid stupid Denki.

"Hey are you calling me a liar?" I tried to stand up only to fall again. By now tears were streaming down both Koji and Yuis faces. "Hey guys don't cry, I'm okay don't worry, come here" I offered a hug with both off them took. Kaito though stood back and looked at me even tough I tried to invite him to.

"Alright, all better?" I looked over the kids and wiped away one off Yuis tears. Both Yui and Koji nodded and smiled but I still couldn't get Kaito to do the same.

I sighed knowing that Kaito wouldn't just let this slide before painfully standing up. "Hey guys I got to get ready for work, could you maybe go wait upstairs while I get ready?"

The two youngest nodded and went upstairs and I turned around and was about to head to the bathroom so I could get myself cleand up. "Why are you doing this?"

I stopped in shock though I hid it and spoke to him with my back turned against him. "I'm pretty sure I meant all of you when I spoke earlier, right Kaito?"

"Look, I'm not dumb I know this isn't normal. Why are you allowing him to do this? you suposed to be a hero, why are you allowing him to hurt you!? TELL ME DENKI!"

I closed my eyes to hide my hurt. "Go upstairs to your brother and sister Kaito. We'll talk about this some other time"

Suddenly I felt I hand grabb the back off my shirt. "No! I don't want you to die. I could feel his hand shaking as he was holding onto me. "I don't want to loose you to, please you're all we have left. Me, koji and" His words caught in his throat as he was holding back tears. "And Yui, we can't, we've already lost so much please don't leave us to"

I sighed. Why am I causing them so much hurt? It would have been better if they'd never met me. If they hadn't met me they'd be happy.

"Don't worry, I have a feeling this will all be over soon" After that I walked away. Yeah it will all be over soon, I'm sure off it. Once the villains are done with me they'll kill me and with Aizawa starting to fighure everything out I'm sure he'll save the kids. It'll all be over soon. I just know it.

I walked into the bathroom and started getting myself cleaned up. I took my clothes off leaving me in only in my boxes, well that and that god forsaken bomb collar. God I'm a mess, no not just that I'm broken. Broken beond repair. My greasy hair was hanging in stripes everywhere and I had bruises and cuts all over me. My chest, arms, face they were all covered in bruises and cuts that shifted from a beige greenish to dark purple. How anybody would ever like this was a mystery to me. Probably because I knew nobody ever would. I'm a failiur in every way, I can barely protect the kids and I'm failin more than half of my classes. I let out a sigh. Guess only getting two hours a sleep really is taking it's toal, well that and not eating anyting for the last couple days. That doesn't matter though what matters is getting ready for work.

I turned on the shower and stepped in letting the water wash over my poor excuse of a body. It felt nice getting to wash everything off, I needed to be carefull though so I didn't end up using all the hot water. The kids needed it more than me and Mr. Araki would be pissed if we used it all  so I didn't end up staying in longer than five minutes.

I hurried to get my clothes on and went over to make sure the kids were alright. They were, tough I could still see that Kaito was mad att me. I'm sorry

Not long after that though I headed of to work. I'd made sure to cover up most off my bruises but you could still see a few if you looked really closely. "Hi Ryder" I said as i walked into the store.

"Hey kid how's it going"

"Same old" I said as I took on the apron and started walking over to some shelves that needed restocking.


"Yeah ofcourse" I was just about to pick up some boxes when suddenly Ryder stood right infrot off me. Jesus that man can move quickly.

"You scared the living hell out off me" I said with a scolding tone.

"Sorry kid didn't mean to" He smiled a soft smile before slightly ruffling my hair. Sometimes I wonder if this is what it would feel like to have a dad, a real one I mean not one like Mr. Araki

He looked me over one last time before frowning "Are you wearing makeup?"

I immediately got nervous and rubbed the back off my neck "Yeah it's one of those new things a lot off teenages are into, you wouldn't get it.

Ryder looked sceptical at me. "sure?"

I nodded happily before going back to putting more products on the shelves.

"You know if you need help just ask"

I didn't look at Ryder and simply pretended I didn't hear him.

Help huh, sorry but I'm pretty sure I'm beyond that

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now