chapter 3

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A/N alrigt I have this amazing friend @Broken_Heart5 who somehow managed to find this story so if you're reading this I need you to know something.... WHY ARE YOU READING THIS PEACE OFF CRAP!?! this is not a good book and you shouldn't torture youself with reading it just cause we're friend but thank you for reading it anyway.


Denki POV

As i opened the door it made an awful sound and the smell off alcohol hit me strongly. I turned to the kids before steping inside. "you go leave you stuff upstairs and I'll start working on the food okay?"

I looked at the kids and saw them all nodding. "you know the rules?"

"Don't walk downstairs untile you say it's okay" Koji answered and I smiled and nodded approvingly

"Don't open the door for anyone except Den-den" Yui stated and I once again nodded and smiled.

"and don't be loud" was the last one Kaito said.

"good now go"

The kids started walking inside but then they all stopped "you'll be okay?" asked Kaito

I rolled my eyes "yeah of course" I crouched down to Yui "and remember it's just a game" I bopped her nose and got a small giggle in resturn.

The kids ran upstairs and I made my way towards the kitchen area.

I opened the fridge to see it was almost empty, there was an expired milk carton, a lot off bear and a few eggs. I closed the fridge and looked through the different cabinets we had. As expected they were almost empty as well but I did manage to find some pasta.

Guess it's pasta and eggs for dinner tonight. I got the eggs out off the fridge and started preparing dinner.

I'd just put the water on as I could hear the door creak open. I emidiatly froze as I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. My breath cough in my throat as I could smell alcohol comming off of him as he leaned in close to me. "Whatcha making?" he asked in what I guess was suposed to be a sedusing voice.

He placed a hand on my waist and could feel his cold hands start making their way under my shirt. Oh no he's drunk, please stop, I don't want to please

"you know what wh-"

Before I had time to think I blurted out"p-please d-don't!" He stopped moving but it only made me more afraid, I'd just broken one off the rules. I gulped and closed my eyes, I knew I was in trouble.

He removed his hand from me and it felt like I could breath again I hadn't even realized I stopped.

I didn't hear him move from where he stood but I didn't dare look at what he was doing, After a while off just standing there I knew I needed to do something though so I tried to move towards the pasta.

As soon as I did though I felt a hard slap to my left cheek. My eyes went wide with realization and I turned my head towards him.

"Don't you dare talk back to me idiot" I took a step back shaking uncontrollably.

"Don't run away from me slut" he grabbed me by my neck and puched me against the wall.

"I-I'm s-sorry sir" I tried to apologize as I tried to get his hands off of me.

Maybe I can use my quirk against him. I started seeing black dots and my struggles were getting slugish. no don't be stupid I can't do that. I'm not strong enough to beat him and if I were to use my quirk I'd just go dumb and then I wouldnt be able to protect the kids from him.

"P-pl-plea-es" I begged. He scoffed but finally let me go.

I fell to the ground trying to catch my breath, eyes still wide in fear.

"Don't forget your place bitch and get some fucking food ready" He grabbed another bear bottle from the fridge before heading off towards the couch.

I sat with my back against the wall trying to catch my breath. I grimaced as I touched my neck, I could already tell bruises were forming.

"Den-den are you alright?"

I looked up to see Koji, Kaito and Yui standing infront me.

"I though I told you guys not to go down unless I said it was okay?" I said in sad excuse of scolding tone, I was really just to tired for this right now.

"why is he hurting you?" Yui asked in a scared voice.

"Hey I'm fine, see" I smiled and flexed my non excisting muscles on my arm. I let out a mental sigh as both Koji and Yui seemed to relax just a little but I could still see Kaito glaring at me. He'd just turned ten and was at that age where he started to realize this was neither normal nor okay. unlike his brother Koji who was seven years old or like Yui who was still only five and naive.

Hey I need to get the food ready so run back upstairs you little monkeys" Yui and Koji let out small giggles before we heard mister Araki shout "Denki shut those damn brats up"

They all emediatly became quiet and theire smiles were quickly wiped off their faces. go I mouthed to them and they sadly walked back towards the stairs.

"Alright Denki, time for foo-" I jumed as I saw Kaito intensungly staring at me.

"Don't scare me like that I almost had a heartattack"

"I want to help you"

"well feel free to lay the pasta in I think the water's boiling anyways" I getsured towards the pasta and stove.

"that's not what I mean"

I truned my back towards him and continued with dinner. "sorry but I don't know what you're talking about then" Lies

"Yes you do, I want to help with money and stuff"

"Really" I chuckled

"yes I'll get a job you could talk to Ryder for me and I could help out"

I truned to him and smiled "I don't think he's hiring kids"

"But he hired you and you're a kid!"

I laughed an ruffled his hair "maybe you're right but if I'm a kid wouldn't that make you a baby?"

"I'm not a baby and it's not fair" he pushed away my arm. I let out a sigh and crouched down to his level. "why do you want to work annyway? It's not exactly fun?"

kaito refused to meet my eye as I asked him "beacuse"

"because what?"

"Beacuse you're always so busy with stuff. You have work, school and you have to take care off us, I just want to help"

I let out a sigh, did I really look so itred to them? "look I know what I'm doing it's fine you don't have to worry about that." I tried to think off something to convince him. "I know if you really want to help why don't you help me look after your brother and Yui, you think you can do that ?"

He seemed to be thinking about this for a while before deciding it was a good idea. "good now go get those two huligance I think the foods alomst ready"

He walked upstairs to the bedroom they all shared.

God Denki you need to get your act togheter they need you to be strong.

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