Chapter 13

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Okay so this day has been an absolute mess and I'm a mess right now so be ready for some really dark stuff.

Shinso POV

"You ready to go soon dad?" I was currently sitting on a desk in the classroom waiting for dad to finish up so we could go home.

"One minute" He said in his usual monotone voice not looking up from his desk.

For some reason my mind wandered off to Kaminari once more. "Dad?"

He finally looked up at me "yeah what is it?"

"What should you do if you suspect a person has an eating disorder?"

Dad put his papers down and walked over to me. "you feeling alright kid?" He looked somewhat worried.

Wait he doesn't think I have an eatingdisorder right?

"I'm not that person if you're wondering it was just theoretical"

"Alright, well do I know this theoretical person?" For once it seemed he was serious about something. But I just sighed, I didn't want to get Kaminari into trouble "No, forget I said anything"

Dad sighed and looked me straight in the eyes. "Look an eating disorder is something very serious and if it's someone I know I need to know so I can help them"

If I tell him about Kaminari he might be able to help but if I do that Kaminari might get mad at me and then I definatly won't be able to help.

I looked away unable to lie directly into my dads eyes "I said forget about it, it was nothing"

Dad looked sceptical at me. "you sure?"

I let out a sigh "yeah I'm sure"

He didn't seem to belive me but knew me to well to think he could get an answer out off me if I didn't want to tell him.

He walked over to his desk and got some off his stuff "we need to stop at the store before we go home. I lost my earplugs and if I'll get some sleep with Hizashis snoring in the house I need some"

Denki POV
Well today had sure been event full to say the least. I was starting to get a headache.

Why can't I just learn to keep my mouth shut. I've always been loud and dumb but I never thought I'd actually be dumb enough to tell someone one off my biggest secrets.

I stopped in the middle of of the sidewalk and burried my face in my hands. I told him I liked Shinso! What have I done?!

I swear I'm going to die off embarrassment in school tomorrow. Ugh I'm so dead.

After dying inside off embarrassment for a while I finally got myself togheter and started walking once more. The kids bus shouldn't have arrived jet so I should be able to make it there on time for once.

I hurried my steps to the buss stop and arrived just in time to see the kids walk off it.

Once they saw me walking towards them they all smiled brightly.

"Den-den!" Yui ran towards me and I grabbed her as she jumped and lifted her up slight whinching in pain thanks to my bruises but not really bothered by it.

We both started laughing at how happy she was to see me

"Take it you had a good day at school?" I looked at all the kids and they all nodded their heads at the same time.

After that we started walking back to the apartment "so how was school?" I looked at Kaito and Koji.

"It was good, I got to play hero and villian with a few other kids in school today" Kaito practically beamed.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now