Chapter 28

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Denki POV

I wanted to ask what we were doing here but decided not to. Instead I brought the hood more over my head and watched as the store owner closed his store for the day.

I could feel Shigaraki and the others staring at me from behind and I tried my best to just ignore it. But why the hell are they staring at me?! You know what screw it I'm just gonna ask.

I turned around to see Shigarkai smirking at me. He was standing with crossed arms looking very amused while Dabi was leaning against the wall staring at me and Toga, well she was just Toga.

"What?" I asked

"Aren't you gonna ask what we're doing here?"

I looked at them all, they were all acting so suspiciously. "Why? does it matter?"

Shigaraki's grin only grew wider but my attention was immeditely brought from him over to Dabi as he kicked of the wall and walked towards me. I had to resist the urge to step back as he came closer.

He continued to walk until he was  right beside me there he stopped and placed a hand on my shoulder which I shrugged of right away. "What's going on" I stared intensely at Shigaraki who didn't say a thing.

"Here" I looked at Dabi as he handed me a knife and my eyes immedietly went wide.

"Do you like it Denki!? I picked it out especially for you !" Toga came running towards me with her arms out but I just stepped aside and let her run past me.

"I'm not going to hurt anybody"

"Ofcourse you're not, that's just a precaution, now let's go" He started walking not waiting for me to respond.

"Yay! time for some fun" Toga exclaimed and I just looked at them confused for a minute before heading after them. What's going on? just for precausing what does he mean by that? I had a bad feeling about this.

I caught up to them right outside the store. Wait what are doing here?

"Hey what are we doing here?" I asked Dabi who was standing right next to me. He didn't answer or didn't have time to because Toga popped up from somewhere behind us and answered instead "To have fun of course dummy" She smiled.

"that doesn't-" "Hey Kaminari" I looked Shocked at Dabi who had interupted me. "Yeah?"

"Why do you think people become villains"

I got ready to say something about what Aizawa had said during one of our lesson but decided to change my answer last minute. "I don't really know, guess I've never given it much thought" I looked around on all the people surrounding me. They must have some reason, right?

Dabi let out a sigh and I turned back my attention to him. "Why are you asking?"

"No reason" he sighed

"Alright guys. Time for some fun" Shigaraki said before going into the store. I was starting to become uncomfortable with the questions and decided to bring my mask up and go into the store right after Toga and the others. But right as I took a step forward Dabi stopped me by placing an arm infront of me.

I lifted my eyebrows in a silent question. "Those scars you got" I tensed at his words. I don't like where this is going. "Did your father do that to you?"

I looked with shocked eyes at him and took a minute to answer. "I don't have a father"

Once I entred the store it was full of chaos. Toga had pretty much captured all the employees including the owner and was right now rambling on about how much fun it would be to try all that blood.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now