Chapter 23

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Alright time for school, no big deal it's just the same as allways. It's not at all like I'm a spy or anything, nope no not at all. I'm just the same old stupid Denki. Nothing to worry about.

"Ehm Denki?" I realized I'd spaced off and that the kids were waiting for me. "Oh right sorry guys let's get going so we don't miss your buss" I smiled and looked over them one last time before heading out.

"So Den-den when are you going to marry that guy from earlier?"

"What!?" I stopped shocked. Did Yui seriusly just ask me that?!

"Well my friend Mikus sister is getting married so I'm just curious when you are" She said with those adoreble puppy eyes.

I had no idea how I was going to explain this to her "Well-

"Don't be stupid Yui, obviously Denki and that guy are already married I saw them kiss earlier"

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Okay what is happening!? I felt like I was loosing control and needed to regain it somehow. So I stopped the kids and crouched down to their level.

"Look we'll talk about the kiss later" or hopefully never. "Anyway just because you kiss doesn't mean you're married, it's a little more complicated that that"

"But you love him right?" my cheeks turned a pinkish red at Yuis question. "I don't know" I said nervously. For some reason it felt like I was on really thin ice here.

"Why not?" Since when did I teach the kids to ask this many questions?!

"Well you see it's complicated" I quicly awnsered and stood up. I did not want to deal with this conversation anymore.

"But you always say that!" I sighed at Yuis words and just grabbed her and to continue walking. I don't know if I love Shinsou because I don't know what love feels like, okay is what I wanted to say though I couldn't. I needed to be strong for the kids and if that ment avoiding talking about feelings I was more than fine with that.

After that awkward conversation we continued walking though this time in silence. Lately I've just been pissing of all the kids. What Great big brother I am.

"Okay you guys behave now" I waved as the kids stepped onto the buss, the only one waving back though was Koji. Atleast he doesn't hate me. I can't blame the other kids for doing it though, it's my fault for being such a useless big brother. I need to get myself togther soon.

I After continuing walking and finally arriving at UA I took my seat and waited for the other to arrive, which they soon did. "Hey Kami" Kiri said as he arrived. "Hey Kiri how was the weekend" I smiled as he took the seat behind me. "It's was good"

"Would've been better if you wouldn't have ditched us" Mina came into the room and said as she walked past us. I looked down on the desk in shame. "I would have liked to come with, I promise I was just busy"

"Yeah, busy playing video games" Mina stopped walking and turned to us with her arms crossed.

No, bussy with fucking villains. Wow I'm starting to sound like Bakugou in my mind, definatly need to get it together now before I start calling everybody extra and yell out stuff in public.

"I'm sorry" I said in shame. "Whatever" She huffed and took her seat.

"Hey man don't let her get to you, she's just mad her plans got ruined" Kirishima tried to sheer me up by leaning over and punching my shoulder.

"Yeah thanks. I need to be carefull though so it don't end up like last time" I joked and Kiri laughed slightly which made me smile. Aslong as I can help someone feel happy I'm happy. I told myself. So I'm happy...right?

After a while I went back to traising the carved in words on my desk. Monoma and his guys has sure gotten more creative after Shinsou stopped all their direct bullying. I let my hand slide over one where it said brainless idiot that one was my favorit so far.

I was so lost in though that I didn't notice Aizawa walking into the room. I didn't even notice the fact that he called my name untile Kirishima leaned forward and playfully knocked on my head. "Hello? anybody there?"


Kirishima nodded towards Aizawa who did not seem amused at all. "Oh sorry I-" I tried to stand up getting ready to apologize but accedently pushed the chair to far back so it fell which made the whole class burst out laughing. "I'm sorry" I said again as I picked the chair up.

"Just sit down Kaminari" Aizawa sighed and I did as told. It seemed like he was about to continue when he suddenly changed his mind. "You know what Kaminari, why don't you come with me out and talk for a second"

"Okay?" please don't tell me this is about what happened last weekend. I decided it was better to just follow him than ask questions and did so.

As soon as the door closed behind us Aizawa spoke. "How you feeling kid?"

"Fine, did you really just bring me out here though to ask me how I was feeling? You could just have done that in the classroom you know" I smiled hoping this was all.

"Kaminari I think we both know that isn't all. Are you okay?"

"I told you I'm fi-"

"Kaminari please, we both know what is happeing"

I looked down on the floor. I know he's just trying to help but he's actually making everything just a lot harder. "I'm handiling it"

"I promise I'll get you out off there okay, don't worry I've sent help"

You've done what!? this is not good the kids might get in danger. Doesn't he get that? I could feel myself starting to sweat. I needed to get home as fast as possible to clean up this mess. What was he thinking? He's just ruining everything, I'm so screwed now. "Don't worry Kaminari I promise it'll be alright." He layed a hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down.

Like hell it will! If this happens the villains might think off activating the bomb and even if they do get the kids out off there in time they'll just end up in the system and I can't have that. I know what the system is like and there's no way I'd put them through that hell, no fucking way at all!

I knew I couldn't tell Aizawa any off this, if anything it would only make him want to do this even more. So I plasted on a fake smile "thank you Aizawa"

Aizawa studied me as I said that. "You don't seem happy, is there something I should know?" Damn why does Aizwa have to be so good at his job.

"No it's nothing, I'm just a little scared. Not complete lies, I mean I am scared just not for the reason he thinks.

"Don't worry you're safe now" he ensured "Let's get back to class"

I nodded and watched as he disappeared into the classroom. I was just going to  follow too when my phone made a sound. Who would text me in the middle off the class?

I looked at my phone but didn't recognize the number. Weird

Meet outside the north wall at lunch. Don't be late

That's weird who would want to meet me?

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now