Chapter 26

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Guys quick question if you weren't allowed to pick shinkami what would be you favorit ship with Kaminari?

"How are you so good at this Kaminari?"

I let out a soft laugh at Ururakas question. "Well I have three younger siblings so I kind of have to be" I said as crouched down to put down the kid I was holding and then told him to go of and play with the other kids.

"Really I didn't know that. I've personally always wanted a little sister, but now I don't know" She stated looking at the chaos around us.

Erlear we had been assigned into different groups and sent of to different parts of the kindergarden to help take care of the kids. My group consisted of Ururaka, Shinsou and Todoroki.

I looked around to see what needed to be done and saw a kid having a staring contest with Todoroki. What's going on over there?

I was just about to stand up to go over there when I also got eye contact with Shinsou. I nodded towards Todoroki and the kid. He seemed just as clueless as I when it came to what was going on over there as he looked back at me and seemed to silently ask me what was going on to which I just gave a shrug to signal I didn't know either.

I then stod up and walked over there. "What's going on Todoroki?" I asked friendly.

"The kid won't stop staring at me" He said not breaking eyecontact with him.

I had to hold myself back from laughing. It was just such an odd sight to see a tall Teenager, totally serious, having a staring contest with a four year old kid.

"Did you ask him why?"

That question got Todoroki to look at me. "Why would I do that?" It seemed to be a totally genuing question as he looked like he was trying to figure out the answer.

I opened my mouth but shut it again. "Nevermind" Instead I crouched down to the kids level. "Hi there buddy"

He looked over at me suspiciusly. I didn't care about that though and just kept smiling brightly. "I'm Kaminari and this is my friend Todoroki. You looked like you wanted to ask him something erlear, what was it you wanted to ask?"

The kid looked back at Todoroki "Why does he have that scar?" The kid asked and pointed to him. I could see Todoroki stiffen up at the question. Crap, that's not good. I'm sure he doesnt want to talk about that, I need to come up with something.

"well you see. One time he thought this really strong villain.. " I started of. Should be belivible enough for a kid like him right.

"what happened" the kid asked with practicly stars in his eyes. I smiled a little to myself, every kid loves heros fighting villains.

"So when he was fighting this super strong villain-"

"Kaminari" Todoroki interupted though I just turned to him for a minute to put my finger agains my lips signaling for him to be quiet before smilingly going back to telling the kid the story. Though before I completely turned back I could see Shinsou smiling at us. Why is he smiling? did something happen?

After telling the kid that story he had asked Todorki to play with him which  for the recored very amusing to see. Right now I was helping this little girl who had some adoreble pixi wings to get a prinsess dress on. I have to say it's quite a fitting quirk. Suddenly a loud explosion was heard from another part of the building.

"What in the world was that?" one of the staff members asked and looked around worridly. All of us students though just looked at eachother before awnsering in union. "Bakugou"

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now