Chapter 10

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I hurried out to class after my little incident with Bakugou. They were all standing on the field listening to All might talking. I tried to sneek in undetected though I'm pretty sure everybody noticed me.

Even Shinso, who gave me this look before turning back to All might.

"Allright young heroes you'll be randomly pared up two and two and after that you'll be fighting against another pair"

I saw Ilda rais his hand "Like we did in the beginning off the year?" He asked

"Well young man it will actually be more like the sportfestival, you'll win by either knocking out your two opponients or by getting one of them out of the cirkle."

After that he ended up picking the teams, I got picked with Sato and we ended up against Kirishima and Tokoyami. We were the first out to battle but it didn't really last that long.

I used my quirk against Kirishima but he quickly deflected the attack over and over again and I ended up dumb like always. If it hadn't been for the phones I charged I probably would have been able to last a little longer.

While Sato was distracted with dark shadow Kirishima took his chance and carried me outside.

"KIRISHIMA AND TOKOYAMI WIN" it blasted out of the megaphones.

"Well that was quick Momo said as she and Jirou went and got ready for their fight.

Shinso POV

"Is he alway like that?" I leaned over to a greenhaired kid and asked

"o-oh w-well he can be kind off d-dumb sometimes" I looked over to the Kaminari guy is that a side effect for overusing his quirk?

"B-but he's a really nice guy and he always helps me-" I tuned out the greenhaird boys babbeling.

There was something about that boy but I couldn't really put a finger on it

"Alright now it's Momo and jiro against Shinsou and Shonji" All mights voice told us through the speakers.

Guess I better get ready then

Denki POV

Thank god for lunch. While the rest were making their way towards the cafeteria I made my way to my favorit spot in the entire school. It had taken hours for me to dedumb and I really just wanted to rest a little bit right now.

As I made my way I was pushed against a locker. Great

I looked to see who my attacker would be this time and to no suprise it was Monoma and some off his classmates from class 1b. "Well if it isn't the idiot from class 1a" I had to stop myself rom rolling my eyes and instead I put on one off my fake smiles "Well if it isn't Monoma, what brings you here?"

He scoffed and pushed me making me fall with my back against the lockers. "You really are an idiot. How you even got into this school will for ever be a mystery" I could say the same thing about you I wanted to say but ofcourse I didn't, I was to much of a coward to. Instead I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah guess your right"

Monoma opened his mouth to say something when a new voice came from down the corridor. "What are you doing Monoma?" wait I know that tired voice, but it couldn't be, why would he want to help me? it doesnt make- Before I had time to finish my thought Shinso saw me. He gave me this look and something flashed in eyes. It almsot seemed like anger but there was no way. Guess he didn't know I was here.

"Well if it isn't the villain" Monoma smirked and turned to face Shinso.

"Monoma go away" Shinso said tiredly not really caring.

"Oh what are you-" Monomas words suddenly came to a stop and his eyes went blanc. What is happening? why did he just stop!?

Before I could really tell what was happening I saw Shinso smirk "Start walking to the closest bathroom and once you get there dip your head in the toilet"

What? there's no way Monoma would jus... My thoughts died out as he started walking without saying a word and it wasn't long before all the others left as well.

I was to shocked to notice Shinso walking up to me and offering his hand. "You okay?" he asked. I emidiatly snapped out off it and hurried to grab his hand "Y-yeah totally"

we stood there in an awkward silence for a while before Shinso finally decided to talk "So you're heading to the roof?"

Damn it, I'd totally forgotten the fact that he used to come there to. Now I can't come I'll just end up annoying him if I do.

I quietly shook my head and studied my worn out shoes who looked very interesting at the moment. "Why not?" He asked

"I-I...I..." I sighed, I was to dumb to lie anyway "I guess I was heading to the roof" I finally admitted.

"Good we can walk there togheter then" He said and we started walking.

As we were walking I tried not to stare at him to much though it was very hard beacuse off his extreme hotness. No stop Denki we've talked about this stop thinking dirty thoughts

I soon got tired off the silence and remembered something Monoma said earlier. "Hey Shinso" He turned his attention to me. "Why did Monoma call you a villain before?" He frowned at this and I could tell he was reluctant to tell me. Great Denki now you've messed this up as well, why can't you just do one thing without messing it up?

"Well it's beacuse off my quirk" He answered but I just gave him a questioning look not really understanding.

Shinso lifted his hand and made it into a fist looking at it. "My quirk allows me to brainwash people and make them do what I want. That's a pretty villinaus quirk don't you think?" He turned to me at the end.

I looked at him weirdly before saying "Why would you think that?"

He opened his mouth but closed it again, He didn't seem to understand my question.

I decided to run up ahead off him before turning so I was facing him and starting walking backwards "I personally think your quirk is awesome. I mean you can do all this cool stuff I just go dumb whenever I use my quirk"

"Well it's not that great it has it weaknesses and I saw you use your quirk earlier both when you charged those phones and during the training today, does it hurt when you overuse it?" He seemed genuinely conserned and I stopped walking suprised.

Nobody had ever asked me that before and I really didn't know what to say. I looked down on the floor unsure about how to approach this.

"It does doesn't it?"

I looked up at him as he had also stopped "Maybe a little" I rubbed the back off my neck keeping my fake smile and tried to laugh it off but the serious look Shinso was giving me made me stop lauging.

"Why do you let them use you like that if it hurts!?"

"It's not a big deal" I tried to tell him but he wasn't having it.

"This is serious Kaminari you can't do that if it hurts you."

I didn't like where this conversasion was going and decided to try and change the subject. "If you can control someone and you told Monoma to dip his head in the toilet won't that mean he'll drown"

"No he'll wake up just as soon as his head touches the water and don't try to change the subject, I mean what I'm saying you need to tell them to stop useing you as a human charger!" I could tell he was getting angry though he didn't really show it.

"Alright I will, just calm down okay" I finally said. I don't want him to be mad at me.

"Good" He said and we started to walk towards the stairs once more "And Kaminari if they ever do that don't you dare think I wouldn't think twice about making them pay"

My face went red as he said he'd protect me but I didn't say anything.

I didn't want to ruining it, even though I know there's only a matter off time till he realize who I really am and leave me just like the rest did.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now