Chapter 16

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Okay so something weird is going on with my wattpad account. Even though it says people vote and comment on the stuff I've posted it says I haven't posted it and for some odd reason I don't seem to be able to comment stuff on my own book so I just thought I'd take this opportunity and thank all off you for the amazing comments and support. It really means a lot to me and it makes me so happy. Thank you all, you're amazing.

"I am so sorry I'm late, I promise it won't happen again"

I was currently bowing to the manager of the club. I had soon find my way to the club after my encounter with the mystery man and was now trying my best not to get fired.

"It better not, one more mistake and you're fired is that understood?"

I looked up and smiled brightly at him "yes sir thank you"

He rolled his eyes "yeah yeah just get back to work"

I hurried to the counter to see Kazue standing by it and flirting with some girl. Poor girl probably thinks he likes her.

"Hey Kazue" I called as I started on my first drink.

"Well if it isn't the one and only Kaminari. You're in some deep shit"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I won't get payed for this month. But hey atleast I still got my job"

Kauze started lauging hysterically at my words. "What? did I say something funny?" I asked.

"N-no it's just like, it's just so you to always see things from the positive side" He wiped away a tear and I just rolled my eyes as I threw a cloth we used to clean the tables at him"

"Hey you're the one who wanted to know" He then caught the cloth and started to wipe the counter.

"by the way Kami I've been meaning to ask you something"

"hm?" I poured some off the mix into a glass.

"Look I'm not one to pry"

"You're always one to pry don't even try, we all know you love drama" I said and turned to him with a smirk.

"Hey!" He stopped cleaning and put a hand over his chest "I take offense"

"Yeah whatever" I chuckled.

"But seriously I've been meaning to ask, why does someone like you work at a place like this?"

"what do you mean?" I gave him a questioning look.

"You're a kid, you should be focusing on school or becoming a hero or what ever, not working at a place like this in the middle off the night anyway"

What is it with everybody poking around in my life lately?! I can't tell him the truth he might call social services on us and I can't be a burden to him. I know I'm too stupid to help him with anything but atleast I can save him the trubble off pitying someone as useless and stupid as me.

"Hey what can I say I need the money" I shrugged my shoulders.

Kazue accepted this extreamly wage answer. He probably had secrets off his own he didn't want exposed so he propably understood my awnser better than most people.

I need to make sure not to bother him again.

"Hey I said I wanted a drink!" I came back to my sense once a very obnoxious woman waved a hand infort of me.

"Oh I'm sorry what did you say you wanted again?" I put on one off my best smiles.

"Seriously what kind off servis do they got here? I knew we should have gone to the viper down the street" She said to some off her girlfriends ignoring me.

"uhm excuse me lady?"

"what brat can't you see I'm busy!" She snapped and I didn't really know how to react to that. She was the one who wanted a drink.

"I'm sorry but you said you wanted to order a drink" I said awkwardly.

"Yeah that was then this is now get it togheter" She then turned towards her girlfriends once more "can you belive this kid? He's so freaking rude am I right?"

"yeah totally" all the girls agreed. Okay I realize I'm not the sharpest knife in the kitchen but what did I do?

They all glared at me angrily. Right I, forgot I'm just a stupid burden of course they don't need a reason to be mad at me, who wouldn't be mad if they were forced to be near a loser like me.

"look I don't know what you're problem is but you need to back off" I was brought back from my thoughts once more at the sound off one off her friends.

I just sighed at the comment and was just going to pretend cleaning some glasses for a while when I was saved by the manager "Hey Kaminari come here!"

I looked over and saw him standing by the stage. I wonder what he wants. I didn't really give it much though though because judging from his expression he was stressed so I just quickly hurried over there.

"Yes sir?"

"What are you doing after your shift today?"

"Nothing much" I said as I could feel my heart beating faster at the thought off going back there.

"Well Yuri called in sick so you'll have to take his shift after this. It's only fair do to you missing the beginning off yours"

I didn't know if I should be happy that  I get to stay or not. There's more time away from him but at the same time I can't leave the kids for to long and I need to do some arrends before school tomorrow.

I looked at our manager to try and see if there was a way I could manage not to do this but from his serious expression there was nothing I could do.

I let out a sigh and smiled "alright"

Shinso POV

"So dad how did it go?"

He sighed and rubbed his forehead while sitting at our dinnertable "Not good"

"Why what happened!?" I walked up to him and put my hands on the table but only recived a weird look. It wasn't like me to yell or to openly care about people for that matter.

"Look even if he's your friend I can't just give out information about a student like that" He said tiredly trying to explain the situation. It didn't matter to me though, I needed to know.

"please?" I looked him straight in the eyes, it was obvious I wouldn't give up.

"I need to talk the other teachers and probably his parents aswell about this. That's all I can say right now okay?" He looked at me and his eyes starting to glow a bit red. We stood there starring at each other until I finally gave in "Just tell me if something happens okay" I turned around and was just going to go to bed.

"Don't worry if it becomes nessesary I will, I know how much he means to you" I walked to my bedroom door but stopped before I oppened it "Dad?"

He looked up "Yeah kid?"

"Thank you" I opened the door and went inside not caring about brushing my teeth ans just threw myself at the bed. My mind kept going back to Kaminari over and over again. He's propably asleep by now. "aaaah" I grabbed my head and rolled around in my bed. Why do I keep thinking about him like that? He obviously doesn't like me that way why do I got to keep doing this to myself.

Pictures off Kaminari lauging and smiling filled my head and I couldn't help but smile. He really is the total opposet to me, always happy and without a worry in the world.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now