Chapter 31

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Everything was like in a hase. I didn't know what to do and just sat there staring at my bloody hands.

I was in shock as suddenly a scream was heard. I looked up to see a couple, a man and a woman come rushing towards us.

The man ran over to Kiri crouching down beside him as the woman stood back. "I-Is he dead?" She asked distressed.


"No I don't think so, I can hear a pulse. Call an ambulance, NOW!" The man said as he held kiris hand. he...doing to...him?

"Hey kid! What happened here!?" The man turned to me but I didn't awnser. I turned my look down to my bloodied hands once again. Dead?

"Damn it" The man cursed though I didn't really register it. He turned his attention back to the unconsius body laying before him. He had a million questions running through his head right now, though that could wait he decided. He needed to focus on the boy now.

It wasn't long until the ambulance and police arrived, though I didn't notice. It was like nothing around me existed except for the blood on my hands. I couldn't think, I couldn't even speak.

Suddenly two hands wrapped themself around my wrists. I looked up terrified, expecting those two men again but to my suprise, it was a young blond in a uniform. "Don't worry, it's all gonna be okay now" She smiled a soft smile before turning to some people near by. "This one's unharmed, but in intense shock" She called out before turning back to me, still wearing that soft smile.

"Do you think you can stand?" She asked

It took me a few minutes to realize what she asked but once I did I made a small nod looking down on my hands once again,

I also took a few seconds before attempting to stand. I slowly stood up and once I did I didn't move right away. I could feel the woman holding my arm trying to suport me, which once I tried to take a step forward seemed necesarry. "Woah there easy" She said as I was about to collapse but managed to stay standing thanks to her. "Let's get you to the ambulance okay" She then led the way there and once I sat down got a thick blanket over me.

The woman who took me there took care of me, she checked my vitals to make sure I really was okay before grabbing some fabric and softly started wiping away the blood on my hands.

"Hey kid I need to ask you some questions" Me and the woman turned our attention to a police officer who was standing before us.

"I need you to tell me what happened" he said as the woman finished wiping away the blood and stood up.

"Sir I know you're just doing your job, but he's in shock and in no position to make a statement right now" I looked between the woman and police officer as they spoke. "Ma'am please I need to do my job"

he turned to me "now kid, tell me what happened. " The woman opened her mouth to protest but I interrupted her "It's fine. We..." Images started flashing before me and I closed my eyes tightly "...were attacked" I managed to finish the sentence.

"Who did this to you?"

I couldn't make the images stop playing in my mind over and over again. It hurt so much watching them beat him but then another memorie flashed before my eyes.

"This is not good. It's not part of the plan"

"Well it doesn't really matter now does it, the brats figured it out so we might as well do it here" One of the men said turning to us grinning.

I opened my eyes as I realized it. The plan! I need to find Shigaraki and figure out if he had anything to do with this.

I stood up swaying a little but managing to stay up. "I..need to go"

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now