Chapter 18

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Denki POV

I was walking back to the apartment with the kids when Koji asked me something that made me turn as red as a tomato.

"Denki why are you smiling so much?" My thoughts emidiatly went to the kiss Shinso and I had shared.

"Ehm w-well" I tried to think off an excuse and stopped walking. All the kids stopped as well and they tilted their heads quietly at me.

I sighed and gave up "well I guess I just had a good day" I grinned and ruffled Kojis hair slightly.

"Why?" Kaito asked.

"No reason" I shrugged my shoulders. "Hey how about I race you guys back"

"Yeah!" Kaito yelled in excitement slightly startling his younger brother and making a few heads turn our way.

I shot some apologetic looks to the poor people we'd disturbed before turning back to the kids. "Alright on three." I said and we all got ready to run.


"Two" I started running on two getting some complaints form the kids as they started running as well.

We ended up running the bigger part off our way back. Though I'd had to let Yui ride my back after a while once she got tired and to no ones surprise Kaito ended up winning. I'm sure one day he'll make a great athlete or maybe even a hero.

We were now outside the door and I was just going to put the key in when I heard noises coming from inside. It sounded like people talking.

"Hey guys" I crouched down to their level. "I want you guys to walk behind me and run straight to your room once I tell you okay?"

The kids could tell I was serious and immediately  got worried looks on their faces. "Hey it's allright, everything's fine your big brother got this" I smiled a bright smile getting some smal nervous ones in return.

"Alright" I stood up and put the key in. I slowly turned it carefully to not make any unnecessary noise and opened the door.

Immidietly the voises off the people inside became clearer. "We had a deal" said an unfamiliar voice.

"I know and I'm going to do it I just need more time" Mr. Araki voice was heard.

Me and the kids slowly entered the apartment. I had the kids stay behind me as I saw a couple figures at the end off the corridor.

"Look I told you...." one off the figures interrupted himself and turned toward me. Crap this is bad.

"Who's this?" He asked with a raspy voice and it didn't take long until Mr. Araki figure showed up. "Oh those ones? they're just some brats I'm taking care off"

The figure seemed to be studying me. "Come here" He said. I could feel my heart pounding "go upstairs kids I'll be there in a minute" I told the kids without looking at them before making my way to the living area.

Ass soon as came close enough to see the people in the room I stopped dead in my tracks. Those are... No that can't be, what would they be doing here? It doesn't make any sense.

But there was no mistaking it the people in the room were the exact people who'd kidnapped Bakugou as well as attacked at the USJ.

The silver haired villain seemed to be studying me and I was nervously looking back at him. That was until I was snapped out off it by Mr. Araki "Hey! Brat get me and my friends here something to drink"

"Y-yeah okay" I said and started to make my way to the Kitchen. I don't know what do to, help me someone please! If I try to call Aizawa they might find out and hurt the kids but if they recognize me there's no telling what they'll do to the kids. I don't know what to do.

The thought off fighting them crossed my mind but I quickly gave up on that idea. They might only be three but they were clearly stronger than me. I've seen what that silver haired guy can do as well as that burned guy. They'd kill me in an instant.

We didn't really have a lot to drink so I settled for water. Besides they didn't really strike me as the type to drink fansy stuff.

You could see how my hands were trembling as I carried the trey with the glasses on them over to the villains.

I made sure to keep my eyes glued to the floor as I sat the trey down on the coffie table. I was just about to hand over some off the glasses when I saw that the burned villain was now watching me. Please don't recognize me.

"Do I know you?" he asked in a serious tone that almost made me flinsh.

"N-no I-I don't think s-so" I stuttered out. Very convincing Denki, good job. That stuttering wasn't suspicious at all.

He didn't seem pleased with this answer but took the glass anyway. I let out a sigh and hurried to give out the rest off the glasses.

The last one I gave was to Mr. Araki and as soon as I gave him it he grabbed my neck and leaned in close to my ear. "If you embarrass me it'll be hell to pay do you understand?"

I didn't say anything, I was to afraid so I just gave a slow nodd.

"Good, now leave" He let go off my neck and pushed me forward which resulted in me stumbling a few steps before regaining my balance.

I was just about to leave and walk up to the kids room when the burned villain stopped me. "Wait"

I froze in my place. "I recognize you now, you were at that camp with that blond hero brat"

"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about" I said without looking at him.

"Yeah... You're right" The silver haired villain said and walked up to me. I remained frozen to afraid to move. This is not good. What am I suposed to do now?!

"You're one off those hero punks we faced at the USJ aren't you?" crap he knows! I turned around eyes full with horror.

"I don't-" I was interrupted by the villain placing four fingers around me throat and pushing me against the wall. I'd seen what his quirk could do and knew I was screwed.

"Don't lie. I hate liars" He said threatingly.

I looked with wide eyes at Mr. Araki for any kind off help but he just seemed to be enjoying the show. Alright who was I kidding, of course he wouldn't help me.

The person who came to my rescue instead was non other than the mist villain. "Let him go Shigaraki, we didn't come to kill anybody"

The villain named Shigaraki looked between the mist villain and me before reluctantly letting go.

He the looked at me and it seemed like he came up with something. Oh no this can't be good. He turned to Mr. Araki "Bring him to the bar tomorrow, I need to prepare some things"

"Now why would I do that?" Mr. Araki asked smirking.

"Well if you do, consider your dept payed"

My eyes went wide as I realized what was shappening. This can't be happening, he can't seriously be selling me. can he?

Mr. Araki smirked "You got yourself a deal" I looked at him with despare and desperation in my eyes. He can't seriously be doing this.

Soon after that they finished up whatever they were doing and the mist villain opened up a portal. They were about to step in when Mr. Araki spoke up.

"Just a question, what exactly are you planning on doing with him?"

"Well, we plan on using him to kill Allmight off course" Shigaraki answered.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now