Chapter 5

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A/N I just wanted to especially thank @fairytail_for_life6 for both voting and commenting on my last chapter it mad eme really happy 😊

My shift ended and it was time to bring the kids back home.

Yui had fallen asleep and I was currently giving her a piggyback ride, Koji was holding onto my clothes and Kaito was walking beside me trying not to look scared.

The streets were dark and even I wasn't fully comfortable walking around in this neighbourhood at night, I could only imagine what it looked like for the kids.

I decided to take Koji's hand once I saw the same white van drive by for the third time and we picked the pace.

Once we got back to the house I took off Yuis tiny shoes and carried her upstairs to their bedroom. I was just about to tuck her in when she sleepily opened her eyes. "Den-den? what's happening?"

"It's time for bed sweetie" I tucked her in under her blanket and said goodnight. "Den-den?"

"yeah Yui?"

"Thank you..." She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I let out a sigh and said goodnight to the boys. Before I left the room though I looked around and remembered I needed to do the laundery aswell. I started picking up the kids small clothes as quietly as I could without waking them.

They didn't have a lot off clothes but I always made sure they had something to wear. That reminded me I needed to buy new winter bots for Koji and Kaito as well as some new gloves for Yui. I made a mental note before leaving the room.

I walked into my plain room. The walls were white and it didn't have much except a bed, closet and desk. I always made sure to keep my room clean not that I had much to dirty it with to begin with.

I took two off my three hoddies and one off my two pair off pants and put them in the laundery basket. Alright only one more stop until its time for the laundromants.

I made my way to mr. Arakis room and took some clothes that were laying on the floor. He didn't bother cleaning stuff up and just did what he wanted. The cleaning and taking care off the kids was up to me if he got to decide which he did.

After that I snuck bye Mr. Araki who was laying passed out on the couch. He'd must have had a really bad day if he past out from getting drunk. I'd known him almost my entire life and knew he had a really high alcohol tolorance.

Thank god for 24 hour laundromants

Once I got back it was only 2.30 so I had some time to do homework before I needed to get up and make breakfast. I ended up not really understanding much and fell asleep on my desk around 3.30. My mind was plauged by nightmares as I slept

Shut up whore the man said as I layed on the cold wooden floor trying to catch my breath from the punch to the stomach.

Stay away from him. He's a freak who can't even control his quirk. The woman said as she dragged away the boy I'd been playing with in the park

What you want to hang with us loser? The boy said as he pushed me to the ground. Maybe if you had a better quirk but now you're just a freak. The boy spit on me and the rest off his friend group surounded me.


Weirdo .




Their voices ecchoed in my head over and over again. It made me want to scream but I couldn't. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. I was freaking out what is happeing? why can't I move?

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