Chapter 15

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"So little listener how's everything going at home?"

I froze for a moment at present mics question but was quick to cover it up. I could have swore though that I got a questioning look from Aizawa. "It's great" I didn't elaborate on the details.

After that we once again fell into an awkward silence at the dinner table. I shouldn't have come with them. I'm just ruining their family time, jesus Denki learn to read the signs, they clearly didn't even want you to come with them. Stop being such a naive idiot!

I had barely touched my food, don't get me wrong it looked delicious but I couldn't get used to eating to much food. If I did i'd just have to pay for it later.

Aizawa was at the moment eyeing my food. Did he want my food?. Instead off the awkward silence that was currently filling the room I tried to come up with something to say.

"So how long have you two been togheter?" blurted out before I had time to think. great job Denki you just asked you teacher about his love life

"Well it'll soon be eight years" mic answered and pecked his husbands sheek. That's when I saw that Aizawa was still starring at my food. Is he really that hungry?

He then looked at Shinso who he received a small nod from before turning back to me. "Kaminari could we talk in private?" Wait what is happening!? Have I been set up!?

"Ofcourse" I tried my best to seem like my normal cheiry self but I had this feeling.

we walked outside but stopped just outside the door. I had my hands resting on the back off my neck "So what did you want to talk about teach?"

"Are you okay?"

"well I might be better if I didn't have to write that essay till tomorrow" I was starting to get nervous. i didn't like where this conversation was going but I couldn't let that show.

"Kaminari this is serious" He looked me straight in the eyes and it took everything in me not to look away.

I let my hands drop "Look I just don't know what you're talking about everything is fine, you need to quit worrying if you don't you'll end up loosing all that hair off yours in notime" Please just stop, it's better for everyone if you don't try to bother.

Aizawa sighed and rubbed his forehead "I'm just trying to help, if you don't want me to then just say it"

I was starting to feel bad for him. it's all my fault, he shouldn't be worried about me ,I need to get it togheter. Why do I always do this? why can't I just stopped bothering people. It would all just be better if I wasn't here.

He looked up at me with a worried look. "Kaminari you're not eating" I looked at him suprised. Is this what it's all was about? he's worried beacuse I don't eat a lot? I almost had to stop myself from laughing.

"Geez if that was what you were worried about you should just have said so"

He looked at me weirdly and I just smirked. Kaminari-"

"look I ate just before I left for work so sorry but I just wasn't hungry" Lies I started moving back towards the frontdoor.

"But it's just not this time is it?"

I froze as I was  about to lay my hand on the doorhandle and let my hair fall over my eyes. "I'm sorry but don't know what you're talking about"

After saying that I opened the door where I was meet with present mic and Shinso. "Sorry guys but it looks like I need to get home"

"Yeah it's getting kind off late need me to walk you back?" Shinso offered.

"Oh no that's not necessary" I ensured. Besides I've been enough of a burden to you.

"You sure?"

"Yeah totally, see you at school tomorrow" I took on my shoes and got ready to leave.

As I opened the door to leave Aizawa stood there. "You're leaving?"

"Yeah still got school tomorrow right, can't stay up way to late" I flashed him a quick smile before running out the door.

I ran until I couldn't see their home anymore and took off into a dark alley. What the hell have I done?! He's definitely going to suspect something now, god why can't I do anything without messing it up.

I slid down the brick wall and looked at my hands. Why do I got to be so stupid?

I could feel the tears start running and instinctively grabbed my neckless. "I'm sorry ,I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I kept repeating quietly to the sky. I ruined everything now the kids would have to pay, I'm so fucking useless

I kept looking at the sky for a while. It's acctually starting to get kind off dark huh. That's when I realized I still had the club today. Oh crap I'm so going to be late.

I stood up and looked around. Okay I officially have no idea where I'm at. I looked around to try and spot something familiar but couldn't see anything. Okay Denki remember where you came from and try to find you way back.

I looked down and up the street to try and figure out which way I came from but couldn't figure out which was the right way. Guess I just gotta pick one then. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go left.

I walked down the street but still couldn't find my way and it was really starting to get dark not to mention this wasn't exactly the safest part off town. I need to hurry if I don't want to be fired. I picked up my pace but wasn't looking where I was walking so I ended up walking straight into some guy.

I fell to the ground "aow" I looked up to see who I'd walked into and saw a massive bald guy with a scar running down his left eye. A scar!! a freaking scar!! what is this some kind gangster movie?!

"I'm sorry" I laughed awkwardy. The man starred at me with inranged eyes. God he's pissed.

"Who does a rat like you think he is running into the mighty pufferking" I could hear the guys he was with snickering in the background.

"What? what's a pufferking?" I asked confused.

"Me brat! I'm the pufferking!" After he said that he blew himself like a pufferfish and bigg spikes apeard on his skin.

"Ooooh now I get it, it's your quirk"

"Damn right brat" He then grabbed my shirt and lifted me up. "And do you wana know what it does? just one off these spikes have enough poisson in them to kill two entire lions"

I closed my eyes tighlty. It was something I'd learned with Mr. Araki if you had your eyes closed it seemed like you'd given up and then he would quickly get bored.

Oh no he's going to hurt me. He's going to hit me I kept repeating in my mind.

Just as I was a hundred procent sure he was going to punch me I heard a voice. "Let the kid go Puff"

"But boss-"

"Let's just go I'm sure I can find some actual men you can beat up and not just little brats" I opened my eyes a little to get a look at my savior.

It looked like a man in his late thirtys with black hair and a thin beard that just looked like he'd forgotten to shave the last week or two. He was about average height but there was something with his hair. I didn't have time to see as the "Pufferking" let go and I fell to the ground once again but what I saw looked like something yellow.


What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now