Chapter 29

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Soooo I may or may not have gotten bored and decided to change the cover of the book. Please let me know if I should keep it or change back to the old one. Hell if you want me to find an entirely new one please let me know and I'll do that. 😊 And Ps. I'm on break now so I'll try to update more often this week

"No offense bro but you look horrible"

"Well thank you Kiri, you don't look to good yourself" I said sarcastically.

"Hey just saying, you look like you haven't slept for like a week. Did you stay up playing video games all night or something? You know we have test today right?"

Crap I'd totally forgotten about that. Oh well nothing I can do about it now. I'm already failing that class anyway.

As soon as I'd gotten home from work that day and was done checking on the kids I had locked myself inside my room.

I was sitting in my bed with the covers over me for hours. My mind racing a million miles per hour giving me a splitting headache.

Why did I do that? it's not like me to want to hurt people.

What's happening to me?! I could feel tears starting to fall down my cheeks. Why am I like this? I don't want to be the bad guy, I don't want to hurt people so why? Why do I keep doing it!?

My thoughts kept me awake that entire night and every other one after that.

"Hey?" I looked up suprised at Kirishima who was waving a hand infront of me.

"Oh sorry, guess I spaced out" I laughed awkwardly.

"Hey it's okay Kami, I'm sure it's all gonna be fine" he said reassuringly.

Wait how did he-

"I'm sure they're gonna let you make the test up if you fail"

Oh he was talking about the test. of course he was "Yeah I know you're right" I smiled brightly at him.

"Now that's the spirit" Kiri smiled and we started chatting away with the rest of the group.

"But seriously Kami how's it going with the group project, are you done with your part yet?" Kiri asked.

"Group prodject? what prodject?" I asked confused.

"Seriusly dude, you know I can't fail this."

Well sorry i've been a little busy dealing with abusive guardians and villains asshole. Wait no stop, what am I thinking, I'm not like this, this isn't me. Come on I need to get it together.

"I'm sorry, I promise i'll have it done on time"

"You better, If we fail it's all your fault" Mina butted in. I'd barley even registered she was still here. She'd spent the entire time quiet just glaring at me.

"Look there's no need for that" Kirishima said trying to defuse the situation. It was clear that she was mad, normally I'd proabbly be scared right now but with how much sleep i'd been getting thies last couple days I was honesly just to tired to care.

"There's no need for that!? seriously Kiri you need to stop standing up for that idiot it's time he learned to do something for himself. He can't just rely on others his whole life"

I could feel the anger boiling up in me. Depend on others? yeah right, When have I ever had that privilege. I didn't say any of the things I was thinking though I still wanted to.

"Hey don't let her get to you" I looked up at Kiri

"She's just stressed a bout the test that's all. How about we do this, today after school we meet up either at your place or mine and we can work on this project together. Sounds good?"

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now