Chapter 27

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As I walked back home, my mind flashed back to Shinsou and me in the supply closet.

Everything seemed to be fine as I was making out with Shinsou but suddenly when he put his hand in my hair I couldn't do it. Flashes of Mr. Araki forcing himself on me and grabbing my hair filled my mind and I pushed Shinsou away from me.

He stumbled but managed to stay standing up with the suport of some shevles. "What's wrong?"

"I-it's nothing" I said with shaky breathes and eyes wide with horror fixated on the floor.

"Hey what's going on?" He took as step forward and reached for me.

I immediately tensed and closed my eyes expecting a punch but it never came. Once I opened them again I saw Shinsou with his hand in mid air and his face filled with shock and hurt. He opened his mouth about to say someting.

"I'm sorry, I can't!" I interrupted and rushed out before he had a chance to say something, leaving him standing there alone.

After all that I spent the rest of the day avoiding him. I even went as far as to change groups with Midoryia which he gladly accepted.

Latley everything's  just been falling apart. As soon as I find something good I have to go and ruin it right away don't I? Maybe I should just give up and accepted fate, I could never be with someone like him. I could never be happy

I was brought out of my thoughts by something or someone pulling at my sleeve. I looked down to see Koji pointing towards the door. Oh right the door I hadn't even noticed the fact that we'd made it to the apartment.

I smiled at him before looking at the other kids. Yuki was acting strange and Kaito was still mad. Not that I could blame him though.

My smile lessened at the sight of this but I still made sure to keep it up. Lately it's been harder to do that. But I can't stop, it's for the kids. Them and everyone else. I told myslef though I knew that that wasn't the complete truth, smiling just made things easier

"Alright you know the drill" I sighed before going to put the key in to unlock the door. That's when I noticed it was already open. That's weird, even if Mr. Akrai is home he usually makes sure to lock the door.

That immediatly made me think of the last time this happend. Please don't tell me, we weren't suposed to meet up until later tonight. What are they doing here?

I brought a shaky hand to the door handle and right as I was suposed to open the door I felt three little pair of eyes on me.

I turned around to see all the kids looking worridly at me so I made sure to flash them a quick smile telling them everything was gonna be alright before turning back to the door. I can't let them know I'm scared. I took a deep breath before opening the door.

To my suprise the only people inside were Mr. Araki and a man in a suit. He looked to be around his fiftieth with an almost bald head and big stomach.

I watched as Mr. Araki handed him brown letter that seemed to be filled with something.

"Thanks, I'll make sure to take well care of this" The clearly overweigt man said with a smirk and took out some of the objects in it.

Money? why is Mr. Araki giving him money?

I silently signed for all the kids to hide behind me which they did. Whatever they were doing it couldn't be good and I wanted no part in it.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now