Chapter 11

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Thank you guys so freaking much for 500+ reads it means a lot to me and I'm super happy. You're all amazing and wonderful.

We sat on the roof just watching the clouds roll by.

That's when I realized something "Hey Shinso if you're Aizawas son how come you don't have the same last name?"

It sounded like he was choking on something as he sat up "WHAT!?" he got out between the coughs.

"Well I was just curious" I looked at him slightly tilting my head. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah but how did you know Aizawa was my dad?"

My eyes went wide beacuse that's when I realized it. I wasn't supposed to know this, the only reason I did was beacuse I accedentely overheard Aizawa and that twig man in the bar the other day god I'm stupid, now he'll suspect something.

Shinso looked at me with a questioning look as I searched for an excuse in my head. "ehm.. lucky guess?" Seriusly Denki couldn't you come up with anything better, you're so freaking dumb.

It was obvious by his expression that he didn't belive me but he seemed to understand he wouldn't get an answer out off me any time soon. "Well if you didn't know I'm adopted that's why I don't share his last name" Shinso said turning his gaze up towards the clouds again.

"I'm sorry" I said

He turned to me and frowned "Why?"

"Well I didn't know, It must be hard for you to talk about and I just forced the subbject on you" I hung my head in shame

I looked up once I heard him sigh. "I'ts fine. My parents died when i was eleven in a car crash, I was in the backseat as the car drow over an edge and I remember thinking I was going to die."

I looked at him with sadness in my eyes. He'd been through so much and yet he still asked me earlier if I was alright. I can't trouble him with my problems right now they're not important. I can't be a burden to him, not to any one

"Aizawa was the one who rescured me" I looked back up at Shinso "He saved me and took me to his and Hizashis home-"

"Wait does Aizawa and Present mic live togheter?" I asked suprised

"Ehm yeah you know they're married right?"

"WHAT?!" I stood up suprised. Aizawa and present mic were married? when did that happen?

"Yeah and they have been for the last seven years or so" Shinso chuckled slightly at my surpise

"O-oh r-right I totally knew that" I tried to play it off and sat down once more.

"So they took me home and I stayed there for about a year before they decided to officially adopt me. I shose to keep my name though"

"oooh now I get it"

"Well finally" He laughed and I started laughing as well.

It was nice talking to Shinso like this. It was like i was a normal teenager for once without any abusive guardians or a bunch of jobs I barely managed to keep, It was like I was just me. Just Denki Kaminari a normal somewhat stupid teenage boy without any troubles in the world.

"Hey Kaminari?" I snapped back as Shinso waved a hand infront off my face.

"Yeah?" I rubbed the back off my neck awkwardly

"I asked if you brought any lunch?" He looked me strait in the eyes and it made me slightly uncomforable. I should be used to lying by now, it's nothing over the ordinary

"Guess I forgot" I told him Liar

"Well I brought some extra just in case so here" He handed me a sandwish.

"You made this for me?" I stared at the sandwish, nobody had ever made food for me before not even my mom, back then it had always been takeaway or I'd made it myself

"No ofcourse I didn't make it it was the magical sandwish fairy." He said sarcastically.

I opened and shut my mouth time and time again still shocked by his kindness

"Yeez" Shinso sighed and rubbed his forhead "I'm just kidding dummy"

"R-right" great now he thinks I'm stupid to. I mean he's not wrong but I still don't want him to think that. somehow it felt much worse knowing he thought I was dumb then when anybody else thought it.

He lifted his eyebrows and nodded towards the sandwish. Hesitanlty I brought it closer to me and carefully took a small bite. That's when I noticed he was watching me my cheeks turned red when I thought struck me. He hasn't poisoned it right? was the first thing going through my mind.

Once he noticed I saw him starring he turned away digging into his own sandwish.

I just shrugged my shoulders and took another tiny bite out off my sandwish. It wasn't to bad but It could have used a little more mayo.

After another bite I was full. I couldn't eat to much, my body hade gotten used to only getting food once every couple days and if I tried to eat to much that would change and I wasn't to keen on that feeling again. If you didn't eat to often your body would get used to it and the hunger would gradually disapear.

I Put the sandwish down and waited for Shinso to finish his. He turned back to me once he was done and frowned. His gaze went from me to the sandwish and down to me again. "You need to eat more" He said in a monotone voice.

"Thank's but I'm not that hungry"

"You barely ate anything you need to eat if you hope to be able to stay awake during the rest off class" He stated.

"Well then maybe I'll just take a nap during class later" I stood up grinning and brushing the dust off my pants.

The death look Shinso was giving me only made me smirk more.

"And speaking off class shouldn't we head back soon. If we don't hurry they might think we'd been kidnapped like the little pomeranian down there" I reached out my hand for him to take.He rolled his eyes at my statment but accepted my hand and I helped him up.

We started heading back to class but suddenly Shinso just stopped walking. I stopped once I'd noticed he had and truned to him. I titled my head in a silent question.

"You know what Denki Kaminari, you really are a mystery"

I looked at him shocked. Was he on me? did he suspect something? no that's not possible if he did he would say something

"W-what a-are you t-talking about?"

Shinso just shrugged his shoulders and started walking again. "Hey wait up!" I called after him as he walked past me. God I hope he doesn't find out anything. If he do I fear what might happen to him.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now