Chapter 9

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We arrived at school and by now Kirishima and Bakugo had made up. I didn't really get what had happened to make them stop fighting but then again I am really dumb so it wasn't that surprising.

Right now I was sitting and charging three phones at once, Minas phone had also needed charging.

I quickly held back a whine once electricity shot through my vains and charged the phones. I'm lucky I didn't go dumb from that, it would have been a pain to have to be dumb the entire day.

I could hear Kirishima talking to Midoriya and a few others about the new transfer I told him about earlier. Todoroki like always didn't really react but Midoriya emidiatly went into high gear to try and figure out what kind off quirk this person would have.

I took out the charges as the phones were done and handed them back. Bakugo just grunted while Mina thanked me. See that wasn't so bad, I made them happy after all

I was just going to walk over to go and give Kirishima his when he called me over "Hey Kami come here and tell Midoriya about the new transfer kid we got"

I walked over to them and handed Kirishima his phone getting a small thanks.

I just opened my mouth to tell them what I heard about his quirk and everything when Aizawa walked in. We all hurried to our seats and emidiatly went silent.

"I don't know how you guys found out but you did so I guess there's no point in dragging it out" he said in his monotone voice

"As you know Mineta was expelled a few weeks ago leaving an opening for another student to join, so we decided to let another student transfer from another class at UA.

The entire class started talking." I hope it's not Monona" I heard Ururaka whisper to Midoriya.

"I hope it's a girl" Momo said

I suddenly heard a tired sigh and turned my attention back to Aizawa "quiet" He said and the entire class elidiatly shut their mouths. We did have hero training today after all and if we made Aizawa mad there was no telling how many lapps he'd make us run.

"If you guys really are that curious then why don't you ask him yourself"

I felt like I was going to jump out off my seat in excitement. I wanted to know what Aizawas kid looked like but once the guy stepped out I saw someone I definitely did not expect.

I sat there frozen in confusion as the guy walked up to the board and wrote his name. "I'm Hitoshi Shinso, my quirk is brainwash and I'm not here to make friends" he kept a serious look and had his hands in his pockets.

He skanned the room with his very hot purple eyes. I thought I was dreaming but then I snapped out off it. Bad Denki stop thinking dirty thoughts. Once he saw me he stopped skanning over everybody else. He had a surprised look on his face and before I had time to think I blurted out the most stupid thing I could ever come up with and that's saying something

"You're that hot guy?!" I stood up with my hands on my desk. The guy Shinso I think his name was turned slightly red and turned away. I didn't get it at first and looked at him weirdly. Why is he all red? It wasn't until then that I became aware that everybody else in the room were laughing their asses off. Even Todoroki was laughing slightly

"Seriusly bro? Hot guy" Kirishima had a hard time getting the words out due to laughing so much.

"Who needs comedy when we got Kami" Mina laughed.

I realized my mistake and turned as red as Midoriya adn emidiatly sat down. Oh God what have I done

After a while the laughing died down to slight chuckling and Aizawa told Shinso where to sit. He then began to explain today's schedule.

"Today you'll be working with All might. You'll be focusing on team battles...."

I blocked out the rest off Aizawas lesson. I can't belive he is Aizawas kid I mean it kinda makes sense thinking that he always looks tired. He does though  kind off look like a really cute cat.

I realized once more what I was thinking and emidiatly banged my head on the desk.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the rest off the class Kaminari?" Aizawa asked.

"No" I said still with my head on the desk.

Aizawa went back to talking not caring if I listened or not. Guess he's finally figured out I'm to dumb for this anyway.

After Aizawa was done talking it was time for us to go to the locker room and change. We were to meet at the training grounds later.

As we were changing I tried not to look at Shinso though I did catch a glims of some wery impressive abs.

"Hey kami are you coming soon?" Midoriya asked who was the last out the room.

"Yeah in a sec I just need to change you can go ahead"

"If you say so" Midoriya then left the oom leaving me all alone in it. I proceeded to take off my shirt and grabbed my training one. I wore the winter training suit just to hide all my scars and bruises. I Couldn't have people see them, there would be way to many questions.

Just as I grabbed the shirt the door to the locker room flew open. My eyes widened and I had to stop myself from letting out a terrified scream. I quickly tried to cover as much skin as possible with my shirt.

Bakugo came stomping into the room muttering some cus words, he probably just forgot something.

He looked at me and gave me a weird look. "You okay idiot?"

Wait did he just ask me? This is Bakugo we talking about why would he ask me that?

I decided it was better to play the clown in this scenario "aw you care that's so sweet of you"

"Oh shut up dumb face I was just wondering bc you looked scared as hell" He muttered and grabbed something out off his gymbag.

He looked up at me again and frowned. I didn't like the look he was giving me.

"Uhm could you maybe turn around so I can change" I finally got the cuarige to ask.

"Why got a problem with me being here?" He asked and took a step forward. On instinct I took a step backwards and quickly shook my head "no I just want to change in private"

"Fine" he mumbled and turned around. I let out a relieved sigh and finally put my shirt on properly.

I opened my mouth to tell him it was fine but before I could say anything Bakugo turned around on his own.

"You know what if you got a problem with me and shitty hair being togheter you should just say it"

"W-what?" I said confused.

"DON'T TRY TO DENY IT YOU DAMN LOSER!" he yelled and grabbed me by the color.


I started to shake a bit in fear. Did he think I was homofobic? Why would he think that? And that's when I finally  got it. God I'm an idiot

"SAY SOEMYHING IDIOT" He yelled in my face. I didn't know what to do I needed to tell him something. I couldn't tell him I was gay to convince him other wise there was no way I'd be able to say that. My past experience with people finding out and especially in school hadn't been the greatest

I took a deep breath and collected myself. I looked him strait in the eyes. What the hell am I supposed to say? I can't think off anything

In a panic I said the first thing that came to my mind "cucumber"

Bakugo loosened his grip on my shirt looking really confused. I took this as my que and started walking away leaving him there behind.

As soon as the door closed I slid down the wall beside it. That was scary. I grabbed my head as realization hit me. What the hell did I just do?! Cucumber, where did that come from?!
God I really am an idiot.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now