Chapter 12

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Sorry for the long wait I've really been busy thies last couple weeks and haven't had ay time to write. I promise I'll try to write more soon. Now enjoy the chapter😁

Denki POV

As we walked through the door to the classroom most off the class was already there. Midoryia waved slightly at us and I waved back. Then I saw Kirishima and the rest off the group standing by his desk. "Yo guys!" i called and started walking towards them. I stopped dead in my tracks once I saw the glares Kirishima and Bakugou was giving me.

I gulped before starting walking towards them again. "Hey guys?" I said caususly, the glare I was getting from Kirishima was really making me nervous.

I turned my attation to Bakugo and it looked like he was really pissed even for him to so I took a step back.

"What the hell do you want you damn-!!""Bakugou stop" Kirishima said placing a hand on his boyfriends chest.

"Tsk what ever" He mumbled but backed off.

I let out a sigh "Thanks a lot dude"

"Don't talk to me Kaminari okay"

I looked at the rest off the gang confused, Bakugo looked angrier than usual and Mina and Sero just looked uncomfortable but what striked me as weird was Kirishima. I couldn't really read his expresson but what ever it was made me oncomftable.

"Why?" I asked

"Do you really have to ask after what you said to Bakugo earlier" And that's when I finally understood. I didn't know how to respond to them and looked down on the floor.

"Hey Kaminari everything alright?" I looked to see who called me and saw Shinso standing by his desk. It looked like he was about to walk over. "Yeah totally" I flashed him a quick smile and truned back to the others but not before catching a glims off Shinsos worried face. Come on dude get it togheter you're worrying him

"Look guys I'm sorry i didn't mean-"

"Didn't mean what?" The coldness in Kirishimas voice took me by suprise.

"I said I was sorry what more do you want? " I said as it felt like my heart was going to burst.

"Oh I don't know, why not tell us why you said that?"

"I...I.." I wanted to tell them but there was no way I couldn't in a classroom full off students. If Monoma or He found out. God I don't even want to think about what would happen to me if he found out about my sexuality.

I tried to rack my brain to come up with something to say but couldn't. Guess there's a time where even lies won't cut it

Kirishima stood with crossed arms looking at me but I kept my head low. "Kiri could I talk to you outside maybe?" I said barely higher than a wisper.

"Why would he come with an idiot like you!" Bakugo stepped in. "It's fine Bakugo it wont take long" Kirishima answerd but he didn't have that coldness in his voice that he held when he talked to me.

We walked out off the clasroom me still keeping my head low. I could feel tears threatening to fall but there was no way I could let them fall. I didn't have any reason to cry if anybody did it was Kiri.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked with his cold voice.

For the first time I looked up at him my face stained with sadness and for a moment I could see the same sadness in his but he was quick to cover it up. "Kiri" I whispered and I looked at him a tear finally slipping out I was quick to wipe it away though hoping he wouldn't see it.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now