Chapter 21

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I walked to the kitchen and Shinso followed. I need to hurry to make sure nothing happens.

I walked over to the fridge. As I expected, nothing to drink except beer.

I sighed before closing the fridge and walking over to get some glasses.

"Your dad seems nice"

I stopped in te he middle off my movement. "Y-yeah I guess" I then reached for the glasses.

"You okay?" Shinso asked with a conserned voice.

Time for more lies I guess. I didn't like lying to him but there was nothing I could do and franctly I was just to tired to figure out anything else right now.

"Yeah totally why do you ask?" I smiled.

"No reason, you just seemed kind of off before." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Really I did? That's weird" I faked oblivion.

Shinso sighed before starting to fill the glasses up. He looks really tired, I bet it's my fault.

My heart filled up with guilt. I'm sorry Shinso but I don't have a choice.

I  got lost in my thoughts and ddidn't notice until now that he was starring at me and it made me blush slightly.


I turned to him surprised that he used my first name. "Yeah?"

He pu the glasses down and walked over to me. He looked me straight in the eye with a conserned look. "You'd tell me if something was wrong right?" He lifted his hand to my cheek.

I couldn't handle lying straight into his eyes and looked down on the ground. I don't understand, why does he care about me I'm just a useless loser. I'm a dumb freak, I don't deserve it.

I grabbed his hand with mine and smiled. "I will be"

Before I had time to react he kissed me and then brought into a big hug. Shinso was hugging me and I didn't know what to do, I hesitantly allowed my arms to wrap around him and suddenly I just got the urge to cry my heart out and tell him everything.

I knew that I couldn't though. I fought back the tears and pressed everything down deep inside me. I just closed my eyes and tried to ignore the feeling in my stomach taking in everything thing from how nice his arms felt to how good he smelled.


I opened my eyes chocked to see the kids standing at the kitchen entrance.

I tangled myself out off Shinso grasp and walked over to them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Yui got thirsty so I thought I'd get her something to drink" Kaito answered.

I opened my mouth and was about to say something when I was interrupted. "Denki who are these kids" crap

I turned around to Shinso and I could feel the kids hiding behind me. "Oh these guys, they're my siblings" I explained smiling a little awkwardly

"Hey guys it's okay, he's a nice one" I said and chuckled slightly as Yui moved to get a better look at him.

"It's okay" I ensured them, and soon enough they came out from hiding behind me and walked over to Shinso who looked slightly uncomfortable.

I couldn't help but chuckle at him as he just stood there in chock when Yui asked to get picked up. "You never told me you had siblings" He said looking scared out off his mind.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now