Chapter 17

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The last week had been unusually normal after everything that had happened. Aizawa hadn't mentioned anything about me eating and neither had Shinso.

Right now we were having a test and to no one's surprise I had no idea what to write. I'd had to pick up some extra shifts lately and had had even less time to study then usual.

I think the awnser to this question is Lincoln. I was Just going to write it down when I noticed something. Why does everybody else have calculators?!

All I wanted to do was bang my head against the table at that moment, though I somehow a managed to resist that urge.

Why do I got to be so dumb?

And to only make matters worse me eating that sandwich and some off Aizawas food last week had caused me to feel terrible. Not because off the food or anything but right now it felt like someone was slowly digging a whole in my stomach with a table spoon.

"Alright pencils down. I want everyone in the back row to collect and give me all the papers" The teacher said.

Crap I've barely written anything!

I looked at my paper silently begging for for the answers to write them self. Of course that didn't happen and I ended up giving it in with little more than my name written.

"Alright you're free to go now" Said the teacher and everybody in class went and did their own thing.

I got up from my seat walked over to the Bakusquad as I like to call us who were all standing around Bakugou's table. "So what you guys doing this weekend?" I could vaguely hear Kirishima say as I walked towards them.

"Yo guys!" I called and got a smile from everybody except Bakugou, who was just glarring at me. I know Kirishima told him not to be mad at me but if I was him I would to.

"So what you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Well I was wondering if everybody was free this weekend so that we could meet up and do something" Kirishima said.

"Oh" I looked at the rest off the squad they'll probably get mad at me. "Sorry but I'm kind off busy this weekend" I rubbed the back off my neck awkwardly.

"Seriously? but you're always busy" Mina whined and leaned closer to me. I knew it, they hate me know, this is all my fault I should just stop trying to be their friend.

"Don't bother the idiot, if he says he can't then he propably can't" I snapped back into reality suprised. Bakugou just defended me!?

"Yeah sorry guys"

"It's fine Kami don't worry about it" Kirishima swung a reasuring arm around me and it seemed like everything was fine but I could see that Mina was still mad at me. I need to stop disapointing her like this. Why do I have to be so useless?

"Well anyway I think I need to go now" I said and started walking backwards.

"Yeah I'm sure you need to" I heard Mina mutter under her breath. I pretended not to hear as I went and got my stuff. I needed to hurry so I wouldn't be late picking the kids up. I was just about to leave the classroom when I caught a glims off Shinso, I smiled brightly at him and waved which resulted in me resiving an eyeroll but a soft smile.

Okay I really do need to hurry now.

I hurried to leave the classroom before any more distractions could accurre.

I was just about to leave the school when Monoma and some other guys stopped me. They hadn't bothered me since Shinso used his quirk on Monoma but they probably just saw their chance now.

What's behind the smile. (depresseddenki x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now