Chapter 31

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"About the last four years, Mr. Arcadejas? Why are you two alive and who's the one that has been trying to kill you and your sister?"the host asked.

I still looked at his reaction. He doesn't move an inch. Maybe he expected this.

"I already knew who it is. But only me and my grandfather. And I don't want to tell anyone until Rinea heals,"he said coldly.

Tss. Caring brother, aye? I straightened up, trying to find courage this continue watching this. Not minding my heart. There's got to be a hope. Well, I hope so.

"Hmm... Okay. When do you plan the marriage?"the host asked.

I gulped hard. I don't like this. Whatever Rubious is planning, I think I know and I definitely don't like it!

"Well, actually—"Winner spoke but Rubious cut her off. "I apologize for this. I don't want to be like my cousin. But I definitely love someone,"there are many gasps from the audience.

Oh no. I have to get out of here. I went out of the comfort room with a headset on the phone and I heard Rubious' laugh that ticks me off everytime.

"Rubious, you can't be,"I heard Winner.

"En, where are you going?"Gian asked. "I'm in trouble,"I said as if in a trance. His eyebrows furrowed and he asked something genius like: "What?"

Seriously, if he's my friend he should help. He shouldn't ask 'what'! I'm in trouble. I ran to the canteen and as usual, they played the news. Sometimes, news could be reliable of information that agents only knew.

But this trouble!

"Raven... Mother, if you ask her once again to stay out from me then I would stay with her,"

Oh come on! Just give me some seconds, idiot! I need to find the parking lot. "Oh,"I heard Gian which was running with me. "Let's go to the parking lot. And hurry. Before reporters might come here,"he said.

"Won't the agents skewer them?"

"But it's a personal problem. One of the rules,"he said and we both ran. At the end of the hallway was the parking lot. I exhaled.

"I'm calling off the engagement. I'd rather be engaged with Entice Luana,"

My stomach clenched. Oh no. The thing that I meant trouble was... It came and along with it.

I heard a gunshot.

"Look out!"Gian shouted and landed on to me. I heard him gritting his teeth. My jaw dropped. "Y-your shoulders are bleeding!"I yelled at him. He rolled beside me and lay down.

He's still weak!

I recalled the bullet and where it came from. I let out my gun in my belt and ran towards right.

"Entice... Luana!?"the host gasped. "There must be a mistake. Rubious!"I heard Winner calling him desperately. I heard his laugh again. "No. There's no mistake as long as I remember,"

Damn him! The gunshot... Bernard must've returned. "Now!"I heard yell and I was surrounded by a net. A heavy iron net. "Fuck!"I yelled and tried to shoot the man standing but someone hit my back, causing me to kneel.

"I've found you at last. Now to take revenge from your parents. Tsk. So, you've been hiding in this punning agency? They will think that this is just a personal matter of yours from that little punk Arcadejas,"

I gritted my teeth and snarled at him. "You talk too much for a syndicate,"I spatted. He laughed. "Well, that's me. Don't blame me. Take care to our base. I'll take care of Emelio. He will save his pathetic daughter,"he said.

I kicked the net to get out but it was so heavy. The edges has a size of a bowling ball. "Tranquilize her,"then I heard footsteps behind me. I tried to kick but he found a way to my neck and dug the tranquilizer.

My world became two. Then I heard something in my headset again.

"I won't give up on Entice,"

"Rubious..."I whispered before I lost consciousness.


I woke up when I heard a loud closing of the door. Someone just went out. I turned and horror crept on me. I've been captured by Bernard! Oh my god! My parents!

I tried to get off from the rope and cuff. They double restricted me. I only got a hairpin in my hair, hidden deep in my ponytail. But how about this rope? I have no sort of knife.

"The news still hasn't gone to the Luanas,"I heard somewhere then I looked above. I'm in a huge cylinder and half of it is a glassed windows and I saw two human figures talking.

"It's just been 10 hours since she's gone. They won't notice it until its 24 plus hours,"

Or they didn't even care. "Let me out,"I tried to muster calmness in my voice but I'm worrying about everything. Gian was shot, Rubious might been got out of that show to find me, I got hostage and I will be the greatest doom of my parents.

Though, I don't know if they care. "Hmm... Much later, Luana,"I heard Bernard's voice. "I tracked you for many years and to find out you're hiding from that agency and... The Arcadejas,"I can hear his grin and my stomach went cold.

"Don't. Touch. Rubious,"I snarled and tried to get off the cuff and ropes but no good. "Yeah. You're smart, really. I admire that,"he laughed coldly.

He's now looking at me from the glass. "But I lost everything. My position from the biggest Mafias in the world. Well, it was getting boring because they still have laws on their group but your Father managed to pull me and my bad deeds out. Now I'm targeted by every Mafias on the world,"

"It's not his fault. And I don't care if you're hunted, you slimy fucking idiot!"I yelled.

His laugh echoes in the room. "Now now, your mouth is foul, Luana. Someone should wash that with soap for a year,"he joked. As if that was funny. I'm used to that.

"Sir?"I heard someone. "Oh?"Bernard grinned. He had some great news, I thought. It's obvious. His side teeth also had gold. If I could bring a dentist's hammer and crack that shit.

"So, they now noticed. Hmm... Let's just watch them until 24 hours then send the adress if they really want to come. After minutes they arrive, set the bomb,"then Bernard turned to me and laughed.

I gritted my teeth. No. They should let me rot here. They should just let me die here. But... Rubious... No, I can't loose him. My only choice is to get out of here and escape so they won't be lured in the trap.

"Why so silent, Luana? Got a plan coming on? Unfortunately, the walls are armed of tungsten. You might want to find a fire arm to blow the walls,"he chuckled then left the room.

Leaving me cold. What should I do? It might be possible that he's just tricking me. But he knew better. He's a criminal, he thinks like this victim and he probably assumed this and made sure the walls are secure and no escape.

I looked around. There's no door. How did they get me in here? I raised my head and saw steel, circles around like a lid. I turned to the glass again. I can't reach that. Then I stared at the horizontal pole, sticking at the walls, filled with shackles. If I could cut this rope and climb using it, I could reach the glass and break it.

I smiled. You haven't known the tactics I learned, Bernard. Put that in your slimy head.

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