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Last Promise

I inhaled sharply then stood up. I immediately got dizzy. Everything registered to me. When Entice called, there were ruckus. An ambush.

"Rinea!"my stomach lurched. Oh fuck! My sister. Is she even alive? I don't know why but I think she was the target. How long was I out? A week? A month? Because it stomped hard on me.

"Rubious!"I turned to that shout and it was Darius. My eyebrows furrowed. He looked mature. "Nurse! Shit! Are you okay!?"he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Thanks. How long have I been out? Where's Rinea?"I asked.

His lips parted. "Rinea is on the other room. Drawing,"he said. I don't remember Rinea being an artist. But I noticed that he ignored my last question. "How long have I been out?"I asked again.

He can't look at my eyes. My stomach lurched. No way. It can't be that long. "Almost four years, Rubious,"

Everything fell on me. Entice!

I sat back up in the bed. My tears swelled. Strange. I don't cry. "And uhm... We have a guest. Yza,"what? Yza? A fling?

"And... She had a daughter, Rubious,"

My jaw dropped. No. No way. I remembered the night when I was so drunk, I celebrated my eighteenth birthday that time. Did I do it to her? How dare me?

No way! I didn't do it to her? We both don't know because we're drunk. She was my fling that time. "Leave me alone,"I said when I noticed my tears are about to fall.

No. Entice, Zanelo. I disappointed them. I broke my promises. "Uhm. Don't worry, they accepted that they won't receive any support—"

"Darius, please,"my voice trembled. He seemed to understood that I was in anguish. Four years. Four damn years that she didn't see me. They must've thought I died. Mother! Oh fuck!

"Rubious, do you want to know what you have missed? But I'll tell you they won't be pleasant,"he said. I hesitated. But I nodded.

"Rinea... She lost her memories. She woke up just a few months before—"I sobbed. Darius let out a shaky sigh. He seemed to have felt and what I'm thinking.

"Yza... She's here?"I asked. She's the least problem. I know having a child is a priority but since they insist by not accepting my support...


Oh my god.... My sister...

I have mental problems. Oh yes, nobody would've noticed but I wanted to be alone for a long time and just wanted to die.

Entice! You HAVE to make it up to her.

But Yza! She'll be so... Angry. I feel so hopeless. My sister's memories hasn't still returned after five months I awoke. Grandfather knows now that I'm alive but he understood why we need to hide.

I felt... Nothing. Grandfather opened the door. He sighed when he took a first look at me. I turned to myself in the mirror. I'd rather not describe what looks I have.

I stared at my Grandfather again. My tears were forming again. I missed him so much. Entice, Mother, Father and everyone. "Oh goodness,"he immediately hugged me which I found not advisable for him because he's fragile.

"Entice is fine. But she didn't take it lightly of course,"hearing from him, a person I trust seemed to calm me down. "And a daughter, Rubious?"he asked. I let out a shaky breath.

"I'm very sorry,"I sobbed. "Is she really yours?"he asked softly. "I-I don't know. I was drunk,"I said. He sighed. "Do you want to know?"he asked.

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