Chapter 32

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The problem is: how the hell should I get out of this rope? Gosh! They used too much on me. What did they think? I'm not a wild animal. Well, wild but not animal, I suppose.

Then an idea came to me. Animal. Wild. Glad I took gymnastics lesson. I sharpened my eyesight and hearing. It seems no one is beyond the glass room.

I hope this doesn't hurt. My feets aren't shackled. I somersaulted as I waited for the pain. My back hit the floor and as I expected the stool broke. I stretched my arms so it would get pass in my feet then up to me.

Then succeeded! My hands are now in front of me. Though, my back is searing in pain. I just got it healed! Now I'm breaking it again. I ignored the fear in the back of my mind.

'What would happen to me?'. 'Will I loose a back bone? Will the nerves be damaged?'

Oh shut up. I removed the rope and got the hairpin in my ponytail and got loose. I almost screamed in happiness but I need to really shut up. Or else, they will take the trap.

I threw the rope and it went through the pole. I lowered it so I could grab the other end. I climbed. After climbing, I stood and ducked a bit in the pole while holding at the wall edge.

I moved the shackle away but took one. I could use it as a weapon. Like a freaking yoyo. Okay no, erase. Like a nunchaku. Now, the plan. I stood firmly and no one is in the room.

Great, now, I'm about to have my arms broken because this glass is like a hard glass but I think it's not. Just between hard glass and just glass. I pushed my right arm and shoulder to the glass. It nearly did nothing but the force made me almost fall.

Okay, let's careful this time. My left hand held firmly at the wall edge and hit the glass harder but firming my position, too.

It cracked. I did two more until I'm sure it'll break with a kick. I kicked it and the glass broke. I gritted my teeth when the glass hit my cheek. Blood gushed in it. I touched it, good thing the glass didn't stuck in it. It just greased my cheek.

Though, the wound is a bit deep that I don't want to look. I climbed, avoiding the glasses. I saw a phone and thought about texting them.

No. I had no time. I just text them where I am and didn't explain then O was about to go out but a man opened the door. He was caught in surprise and pointed his rifle at me. "Don't move! Raise your hand where I can see them!"he yelled and come closer.

I raise my hand but along with it, I took the shackle behind me. Before he could react, I hit his face hard with it like a nunchaku. He fell, unconscious. Well, that was refreshing to hit faces like that again.

I looked at the rifle. Instead, I took two guns and a knife. I hid the knife and one gun in my belt and moved along, with one gun at my left and the shackle in my right hand.

I need to get out. I can't risk my parents and friends— that includes Rubious— getting killed here just because of me. I can't afford it.

I hid before in the shadows of Arcadejas and now I learned by hiding. Why don't I face it? There's nothing to loose. Besides, you did bravely.

I saw another man in the hallway, still far away from me. His eyes widen. He immediately got his walkie talkie then reported.

Shit! I shot his stomach. I'm not not cold blooded. I'll only kill the enemy. He's not one of them. Bernard is the enemy. Alarms blared. They must have realized what happened.

I turned to a room and it turned out to be a storage room for weapons. I can't carry that much but I wore a bulletproof vest and hid it behind my shirt.

I opened the window and only to find myself in another hallway. My jaw clenched when I saw a man, pointing me. I immediately shot him in his shoulder.

I ran. I think I really don't have a time to spare now. This place is like a maze. "Stop!"I heard the speakers. I stopped, automatically because of my stupid brain. "Do you think you could escape, Luana? I expected this, of course,"I continued to run.

I don't care if he expected this! I turned to the left, the only way. I stopped in my tracks. It was the exit, alright but full of armed men and Bernard on the middle.

He smirked as if delighted to find a delicious prey. "Back to the prison now, Luana. Before I hurt you,"he tilted his head.

My jaw clenched. No. I can't lose right now. They will still be lured here. I'm not allowing that. I ran back where I came from so I could buy them a bit time but Bernard has did it. He shot me from the back and in my side at the upper right.

I exhaled because of the pain then I heard another gunshot. Weird. I didn't feel a shot in my body. And also, weird again. A lot of pain, yes, but there's no bleeding. It's just I felt like I just got hit by an arrow, flying so fast like a rocket but it didn't harm me.

I realized I wore the bullet proofed vest. I turned and saw him. Pointing his gun at Bernard along with black men pointing guns at his goons. I fell to the floor.

Yeah, I'm not in a life threatening situation but the pain has caused me in shock. I think I'll pass out later.I saw Rubious gritting his teeth while looking at me, his gun still at Bernard.

Why... Why is he here? Is Bernard changing the plans? Or they did just know where am I? But I still can't risk them.

My mouth parted to tell them to leave but I'm in daze in words. I feel so cold now. I rubbed the roots of my thumb and pointy finger to keep my consciousness at least if it could help.

"Let her go,"I heard but there's still ringing at my ears. When I saw Bernard's smile, I know he did it. He set the bomb.

I stood up as quickly as I can and ran to them. Ignoring the threatening sudden tilt of the world and black vision in the corner of my sight. All the colors are having red and blue effects and I just want to pass out.

"Leave! The bomb! Leave me here, now!"

I want to cry. I was wrong about it. I underestimated Bernard. He knew this was coming. I fell on to my knees. "We're not leaving you! Hold him up,"I heard Rubious.

"You're so hard headed!"I cried. And I know in Bernard, closing his eyes, the bomb might be going off in a minute now. "Leave!"he still ran to me and carried me.

"Yes! I will leave! With you!"he yelled back. I miss him. Damn much. Then I changed my mind. "Yes... Don't leave with me. Run, let's leave,"I whispered. He nodded. He run towards the exit but after a few steps, we suddenly flew with force along with the men.

I have dreams to fly but not like this!

I heard ruffle of breathing. I opened my eyes. We just hit the wall. No, not we. Rubious. He took the blow by covering me. His face has blood. Came from his temple and dripping to his jaw and his lips is swollen and has blood in the left corner.

He gasped. At least, we're alive. Yeah, I'm alive.

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