Chapter 1

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A single dark grey First Order 2806 cargo shuttle descended along the standardised pathway approaching the jungle world of Onderon.

"You're flying too close to the middle again," Finn said, pointing out of the viewport.

Poe rolled his eyes, "Like I said before: I'm flying accurately."

"Trust me; you're too close to the middle. First Order pilots may have stringent training but they do not fly like this."

"I've seen my fair share up close and personal Finn."

"And exactly how many First Order ships have you serviced?"

"Here we go," he muttered under his breath.

"No I'm really interested to know how many years of your life you've spent cleaning these things."

"This is why I don't usually fly with you, Finn. Right now: this reason."

Finn inhaled to retort but the crackled burr of a transmission from the planet cut across.

"Black Seven: confirm your security code."

"Sending over now," Poe said, tapping several buttons and dials.

A long pause followed.

Raising his arms Finn gestured his concern to Poe, who shook his head dismissively.

"You're cleared to enter the atmosphere and proceed to Base Seven."

"Clearance confirmed," Poe said, smugly winking at Finn, "Just out of interest, how is my trajectory?"

Finn's shoulders slumped and his eyebrows shoot up in alarm.

"Perfect approach," the response came.

"Perfect approach," Poe said, grinning broadly, "What I thought."

He pressed a button and tilted his head towards Finn, who sat back heavily in his seat.

"Do you want to apologise to me now or later?" Poe asks.

The sudden shuddering of the fighter halted their conversation as Finn braced himself against the panel.

"Why don't you just focus on flying?" he said.

"It's just turbulence entering the atmosphere, calm down will you? You're starting to make me nervous."

"Well excuse me, but the first time you flew with me: we crashed."

"I was escaping a Destroyer with numerous TIE fighters on my tail. And might I remind you we both survived that crash because of my piloting skills."

"Fine," Finn said trying to relax, "I'm sorry, I just always get edgy before a mission like this."

Poe looked at him from the corner of his eye, "I get it. Apology accepted."

They both stared out of the viewport at the wild jungles passing in a blur beneath them.

On the quickly approaching horizon, a massive structure built on top of high walls became visible above the tall trees.

"There it is," Poe said.

"...Base Seven," Finn whispered.

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