Chapter 46

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Poe was talking with Resistance High Command in the control room when Connix looked up, "The Falcon just landed. Chewie's hurt."

He turned and ran towards the medical section of the base, striding towards where Chewie was whimpering on a bed. Rey was stood nearby as the doctor was tending to him.

"What the hell happened?" Poe asked, "I thought that you were getting some Sith trinket from an abandoned ship?"

"Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren were there," she said.

"Is this because of your force connection?"

"I don't know," she said looking away, "I had a vision...maybe he had one too."

"You don't know?" Poe tried to calm himself, "Are you hurt?"


Chewie grumbled.

"You fell how far?!" Poe shouted glaring at Rey.

"We got pushed and I caught us before we hit anything."

"Did you at least get this holocron?"

She stared down at her feet.

"So Kylo Ren has it now?" Poe demanded.


He took a step away and ran a hand down his face, before turning, "So you left us to find this precious force relic and to stop it from falling into the First Order's hands...and you both nearly got killed and Kylo Ren has it anyway?"

Rey wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Ok, well this is perfect!" Poe said, "We're standing on the edge of this war ending...of us winning and you're falling down shafts and almost getting you and Chewie killed!"

"I don't know how to explain this to you's just this feeling-"

"A feeling?!"

"The force tells me-"

"Enough," Poe said, "You're confined to the base."


"When you're ready to actually contribute, I'll give you something valuable to do...until then I don't want you out there risking lives: your own included."

"You're not my Master."

"No, but I am a general and you'll follow my orders," he said, "Do you know what the First Order were doing today?"


"They were celebrating Leia's death."

She stared at him.

"That's what we're up against," he went on, "A son who has all of his underlings celebrate the death of his mother."

Too stunned to reply, Rey let him walk to the entrance where he paused, "By the way: the disrupter worked."

He marched out barely able to contain his anger.

Chewie shook his head making a small cry.

"Yes," the doctor said soothingly, "that sounds like a nasty fall that you had."

The wookiee sighed heavily.

"Yes you have been a very good patient," she said, winking at Rey and stepping away.

Rey drew closer and hugged him, careful to avoid his bandaged wounds, "I'm so sorry, Chewie."

He patted her back and let out a moan.

She pulled away, "I'll stay with you."

Closing his eyes, the wookiee twitched his nose and was soon asleep.

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