Chapter 53

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On the bridge of the cruiser R2-D2 approached C-3P0 as everyone was preparing for their departure.

"Are you headed to join Chewbacca?" he asked.

R2-D2 chirped, his red and blue light flickering.

They stood next to each other for a few moments of silence.

"We've done a lot together, haven't we?" C-3P0 said staring ahead, "All this time...I want you to know that you have been a real friend. My best one in fact."

R2-D2 let out a long mournful call as C-3P0 placed his hand onto his domed head before the little astromech left the room.

He looked at the empty doorway, "Take care, old friend."

Poe glanced up from the readout and smiled tensely as Colonel D'Arcy and Wrobie approached him, "How many people have we heard back from?"

"Just under five hundred and more incoming every minute," the Colonel replied, "Nien Nunb is even bringing Tantive IV."

"Leia's old Corvette from the Galactic War?"

"The very same."

Poe nodded thoughtfully, "Now that is fitting."

They stood in companionable silence for a few moments.

"How long until we jump to hyperspace?" he asked.

"Five minutes."

"Right, then I'd better go down to my X-Wing."

Wrobie smiled and kissed her wife, "I'll see you soon."

Colonel D'Arcy smiled, "Stay safe."


Poe and Wrobie walked slowly towards the turbolift and quietly entered.

They stood with their arms folded, allowing each other a lull before everything began.

The doors opened and they stepped out.

"I got a chance to speak to Rey," he said as walked side by side and entered the landing bay, "I even apologised."


"I just hope that she's alright."

"She's tough and an excellent fighter."

Poe sighed, "I just wish she'd waited to go with us."

"She had a feeling," Wrobie said stopping by her A-Wing, "Try to not die; I won't have anyone to argue with if you do."

"I thought that's what wives were for."

"And that is why you aren't married," Zorii said coming up behind them.

Wrobie grinned, "Finally someone who understands him."

"Ok," he said quickly, "you two are not allowed to join forces against me."

Zorii tipped her golden head to the side, "It seems inevitable."

BB-8 rolled over and beeped excitedly.

"What's that?" Poe asked, "An emergency and I'm needed somewhere else immediately?"

The droid swivelled his head around and bleeped again.

"I hear you, buddy," Poe said, "Sorry ladies, duty calls."

He jogged away across the hangar, skirting around the ramp of the Falcon and grinning when he saw Lando and Jannah.

"Your timing is perfect. You joining Chewie and Finn?" he asked.

R2-D2 bleeped loudly from within the ship.

"And R2...of course," Poe said.

"A chance to fly this beauty again doesn't come every day," Lando said clapping him on the back.

"I'll be on the dorsal laser cannons," Jannah said, "Finally an opportunity to use my First Order training for something good."

Finn and Chewie came out behind them and the wookiee gestured into the ship.

"I'm going!" Poe said turning away.

Finn went after him, "Don't do anything stupid."

Poe tapped his arm smiling, "How dare you."

"I'm serious," he said pulling him in for a hug.

"You worry too much," Poe said crossing the landing bay. He saw Aftab Ackbar by his Y-Wing and patted him on the shoulder, "Good to see you, Junior."

The resemblance to his father General Ackbar was strong, despite his skin being a different shade and his eyes considerably darker.

"You too, Dameron," he said.

"Almost missed the main event."

"Couldn't leave all the glory to you."

"I'm happy to share it," he replied, ascending the ladder to his X-Wing.

Finn walked back into the Falcon and knelt beside the hole where Rose was working. He stared over at the far wall frowning.

She looked up and shook her head, "Stop worrying, Finn."

"Am I that predictable?"

"You lost your mystique pretty early on," she said, "You're systems are all fixed."

He yanked her up and wrapped his arms around her. They stood still before he leaned back and kissed her, "It just feels so strange, like I'm saying goodbye to everyone."

"No goodbyes."

He ran a finger along her jaw, "No goodbyes."

"Try not to be too brave," she said walking away.

"No promises."

Laughing, she shook her head as she left the Falcon.

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