Chapter 47

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Everyone was gathered at the entrance of their makeshift building.

Poe stood in front of them, "This is a transmission that we're sending to everyone that has ever helped us in the past because we need your help more than ever before.

"We have a plan that will take out the First Orders fleet. There's a device that shuts down every single one of their systems and leaves them exposed to attack. We've already annihilated Star Destroyers and disabled a dreadnought, but there aren't enough of us. We need more ships and more people. We're sending you all the coordinates, because this is our chance to fight back and win. Right now we're counting on your help because we have all lost enough people. They've taken enough from us and it stops today."

The soldiers all nodded and quickly turned to whatever they needed to prepare for their departure.

Rey hesitated behind a console at the back of the clearing as everyone else peeled away.

She saw Finn approach Poe and they began talking intensely.

Taking a step forward she stopped.

No, they wouldn't understand. She wanted them to, but they wouldn't let her go there to face him. Poe would order her to fight with them when she needed to stop Kylo from reaching whatever power he was searching for.

She would have to do this alone.

Chewie came across and groaned.

"Yes...we should get the Falcon ready," she said, "Why don't you go and sort the compressor and get the landing gear realigned?"

He nodded and hesitated.

She reached up and hugged him. Confused, the wookiee hugged her back making an enquiring rumble.

"No I'm fine," Rey said pulling away, "Just...we've got so much to do. Go on...I'll be right behind you."

He nodded slowly and walked away as Rey fought to stop her watering eyes from forming tears as Finn and Poe approached her.

"You ok?" Finn asked.

"Yeah it's know getting ready for a fight...I'm..." she wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"You sure?"

Rey pulled away, "Honestly Finn, stop worrying," she glanced at Poe, "I should really go and help Chewie."

She started to move away, Finn widened his eyes at Poe who sighed dramatically, "Rey, stop."

Halting, she turned.

"I owe you...before I was too...I need to-" Poe stammered.

"It's fine," she interrupted giving him a quick hug, "You were right I should be focusing on what I need to do."

Poe frowned as she continued to walk away feeling like it might be the last time she ever saw them.

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