Chapter 49

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"I want to fight," Kyra said walking up to where Finn and Poe were stood discussing plans, "Quite a few of us do."

"You should stay here where it's safe," Finn said.

She stared at him levelly.

Poe sighed, "You're a kid: they have no place in a war, that's why we freed you."

"And we'll still be children if they win and destroy this base because you don't have enough pilots to end this war today. We may not have had any pilots training...but we've been in flying simulators."

"We don't fly TIEs."

"We've studied X-Wing schematics."

"This isn't the time or place for your first flight in the real world," Poe said stepping away.

More children had appeared around them.

"Even if we're just helping someone else shooting a cannon," she called after him, "This is our fight too."

Poe paused and looked over at Finn.

"It's everyone's fight," he said, "Yours, mine...and theirs."

"Are you all sure?" Poe asked the children, "Because we can't turn around half way there and come back."

Kyra looked around at their solemn but determined faces, "We're sure."

"Ok. You're Maz's new squad to man the turbolasers on the cruiser."

"Thank you," she said.

"Don't thank us yet, kid," Poe said as Finn led them towards a transport.

"Unauthorised X-Wing, acknowledge please," Taslin said over the comlink in the control room.

No reply came.

"I repeat, unauthorised X-Wing."

Colonel D'Arcy looked up "What's wrong?"

"I've got a decommissioned X-Wing that's just about to pass up through the atmosphere. We haven't used it since it was badly damaged a few months ago."

"Unauthorised X-Wing, what is your call sign?" she asked sharply.

Poe came to stand beside them, "...Has anyone seen Rey?"

Blank expressions were his only answer.

"Damn it," he said picking up a com, "Chewie, is Rey with you on the Falcon?"

The wookiee's deep cry replied quickly.

He pressed his lips together, "Rey: are you flying that X-Wing?"

Silence and the slight crackle of static filled the communications room.

"Rey, is that you?" he asked again.

In the cockpit of the ascending X-Wing, Rey stared at the small speaker biting her lip.

"Trust you to pick the worst ship in the Resistance," he said, "Could you have at least boosted something that's functional?"

Rey smiled despite herself.

"I think I know what you're doing...and I meant to say this earlier but I...I just couldn't. So I'm going to say it now: you drive me throw yourself into danger and it terrifies me because I'm your friend and I don't want you getting hurt. But then...I do the same thing and expect you to be fine with it so...I guess we'll ignore that hypocrisy for now."

She stared down at the planet beneath her, glowing a warm blue and green.

He went on, "I won't pretend that I understand anything to do with the force or visions or...Jedi quests but...I do know you. I know that if you're not with us for this final fight it's because you have to be somewhere else. I'm sorry that I yelled at you and I'm sorry I tried to stop you. You're my friend and I trust you."

"...I'm sorry I didn't say a proper goodbye," she replied.

He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, "So you're going to Mortis?"

"I have to."

"Can you at least wait for us? You're flying in there on your own," he said looking up.

"I don't know how to explain it, Poe. I just know that I'll get there."

"Any grand visions of our victory? I could cope with hearing about that."

The computer made a gentle beep to show that it was ready to jump to lightspeed.

"I have to go," she whispered.

"You be careful."

"You too."

"And Rey...may the force be with you."

She beamed as a single tear trailed down her face, "May the force be with you."

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