Chapter 42

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Chewie jogged down the upturned corridor looking cautiously from side to side.

He could sense that something wasn't right.

Over the constant dripping of water, there was a noise to his right.

Chewie turned and started walking towards it.

He drew closer and closer until he reached a huge rip in the wall, a loose strut was being buffeted by the breeze.

Sighing and shaking his head he spun on his heel and started back to Rey until he heard another loud clang.

Chewie paused at an open doorway.

Sneaking out from his hiding place behind the wookiee, Ushar aimed his war club at his back and triggered a concussion wave. The blast hit Chewie across his spine, sending him colliding with the far wall. He recovered quickly, stepping back as Trudgen sprung out from a bulkhead and sliced his vibrocleaver down his trunk, just missing him. Firing his bowcaster, he caught Trudgen twice in the shoulder and he fell backwards to the floor.

Ushar swung his war hammer, knocking the bowcaster from Chewie's hands. He smashed his hammer against Chewie's sternum and fired another concussion wave that threw him off his feet.

Kylo Ren and Cardio stepped out from the shadows.

Pausing to observe the fight, Kylo locked eyes with Chewie as he stood.

"Finish him," he said dismissively and turned to walk away.

Hearing these two words sent Chewie over the edge. He roared, grabbing at a sheered metal sheet and knocking Ushar over.

Trudgen charged towards him, hacking at his limbs with the cleaver. Chewie blocked each blow and sliced the rusted fringe of the metal sheet across his torso, before smacking the cleaver from his hands. The wookiee bellowed as he head-butted the knight and sent him slumping back.

Rey reached out and wrapped her fingers around the holocron. It resisted at first and then came away easily in her hand. She placed it into her bag and went towards the doorway.

A rolling wave of nausea hit her as she felt a stirring in the force. Whipping her head she could feel eyes watching her. She made a dash to the door but found it blocked by a figure in a black cloak, their face hidden in the gloom.

Taking a breath, she stepped back as they ignited two bright red parallel lightsabers. The sudden illumination revealed Rey's own face: paler and the eyes a dark, corrupted yellow.

With a flick of the wrist, the other Rey flipped the blades apart to make a double sided lightsaber and took a step forwards, "You have anger...but you don't use it."

The voice was cold and detached.

"It isn't the Jedi way," Rey said igniting her own lightsaber and they began circling each other.

A slow cruel smile formed on this other Rey's lips and she tilted her head before lunging to make her attack. Rey leant to the side and blocked her as they traded blows, the other Rey swirled her double sided saber towards her as she sidestepped and parried each new assault.

The light from their exchanges bounced from the surrounding mirrors, the yellow and red mingling in the darkness on the dirty surfaces.

They held their lightsabers clashed together until the other Rey snapped her sabers together, trapping Rey's between them. Their faces were level for a moment bathed in the flickering glow.

"Embrace your anger," the other Rey said softly, "And you will be more powerful than you could ever imagine."

"No," Rey said, shoving her away and stumbling back out of the chamber.

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