Chapter 60

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The two black TIE Interceptors diverted from their path towards the Falcon.

"Chewie, are you seeing this?" Lando asked, "We have the Knights of Ren in pursuit."

The wookiee grumbled shifting the ship with a jerk to the right and banking behind a TIE bomber.

"Can we get a warning of any sudden movements next time?" Jannah asked, "You nearly threw me out of my seat."

Lando sighed sharply as they evaded another group of TIEs.

Ushar fired at their deflector shield projector and Chewie dipped behind the command tower of the nearest Star Destroyer.

"What did you guys do to them?" Jannah asked returning fire.

"We may have had a hand in killing one of them," Finn replied.

Chewie bobbed his head from side to side and grumbled.

"Two?" Lando snapped, "You killed two of them?"

Finn shook his head, "Wrobie killed two as well."

"Well that explains a lot," Lando said.

"Jannah, cover our rear and I'll clear up ahead," Finn said, aiming at a TIE and blasting it with laser bolts.

Above him, Jannah swung her gun turret to face behind and shoot repeatedly.

Trudgen and Ushar broke apart returning fire.

Wrobie and Zorii drew their ships close behind the Interceptors.

"Ok Babu," Zorii said, "Get a proton bomb loaded and targeted."

He responded with an incoherent ramble.

"Locked," Zorii said, "Wrobie I need you to pull up so we have a clear shot."

The A-Wing flew in a wide path away from the TIEs as Babu shot the bomb at the main body of Ushar's ship and reduced it to a ball of fire.

Trudgen's TIE halted suddenly and Zorii had to swerve violently to the side to avoid a collision.

He rocketed forwards and started to follow her Y-Wing. They threaded between and around other vessels.

"We're on our way," Lando said, "Keep him distracted."

"We seem to be doing that already," Zorii grimaced as Trudgen fired his laser cannons, nearly taking out both of their exhaust nacelles.

Chewie barked down the comlink as they drew nearer.

Jannah and Finn aimed at the left pylon of the Interceptor and shot until the metal of it started to glow. The entire left solar array broke off and he started to twirl uncontrollably.

Trudgen passed Wrobie's A-Wing and triggered his tracker beam. They both started to careen towards a nearby Star Destroyer.

Wrobie looked out of her front viewport at the TIE directly in front of her, the force of the constant rotation making her feel sick. She channelled all power to the front deflector shields and aimed. The gridded targeting screen shifted from yellow to red as she zeroed in on the main body of the Interceptor. The computer made the confirmation tone as it locked on. She shot a concussion missile, it detonated and the tractor beam disengaged.

His Interceptor smashed into the side of the Destroyer as Wrobie fought to stop spinning. She just managed to straighten her trajectory and swooped back out to join the other ships.

"Ok, I think I have a plan!" Poe yelled over the coms, "I need as many Hammerhead Corvettes as we have and a squadron to escort them to that nearest Star Destroyer."

"On our way, Black Leader," they replied.

"How many do we have?"

"Four," Colonel D'Arcy said.

"What's the plan, Poe?" Snap asked.

"I'm thinking we can lift that Destroyer up and into the vessels above it."

"That's an insane plan," Zorii yelled.

"I heard about something like it at the battle of Scarif. And does anyone else have a better idea?"

"...Fair enough," Wrobie said, "We're on our way Black Leader."

"What exactly do you want them to do?" Aftab asked from his Y-Wing.

"I want one at the front, two in the middle, one at the back and all of their sublight thrusters at full speed."

"Will that work?"

"I sure hope so..."

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