Chapter 32

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They arrived at Ajan Kloss, using transports and smaller vessels to reach the base hidden in the thick jungle.

Rey and Chewie landed first in the Falcon, descending the ramp tiredly as C-3P0 and R2-D2 approached.

"Mistress Rey, Chewbacca!" C-3P0 said, waving his arms with agitation, "We were growing concerned when you did not return at the expected time."

"Our cruiser was damaged and we lost communications."

R2-D2 beeped excitedly, the round processor light flicking from red to blue as his domed head swivelled.

Rey looked down as Chewie took a step forward and let out a few groaning cries.

The droids were silent.

C-3P0 placed his hand on the top of R2-D2 as he made a short, mournful bleep.

"We are very sorry to hear about the general," C-3P0 said, "Is there anything that we can do?"

"Poe and Commander D'Arcy wanted everyone to meet in front of the Command Centre."

"We will inform them immediately."

"Thank you," Rey said.

C-3P0 approached Chewie and stood there awkwardly until he made a mournful grunt.

R2-D2 started to wheel away and his counterpart followed him quietly.

"Are you coming?" Rey said to Chewie.

The wookiee looked up at the Falcon, gesturing to the damaged sensor dish and making a warbling cry.

"No...we should have time if you want to replace it now. Do you have a spare?"

Chewie nodded, grumbling to himself.

"I'll remove what's left of the bracket and meet you up there."

The wookiee turned and disappeared back inside the Falcon, as Rey climbed up the side of the ship. She sat beside the twisted remains of the dish base with one leg bent, looking up at the sky and letting the sunlight warm her skin.

Chewie's furry head appeared as he perched opposite Rey.

She held her hand out and unwound the bolts using the force. Chewie lifted away the old bracket and placed the new oval sensor dish down. They each took half of the bolts and tightened them: Rey through the force and Chewie using a simple tool. He linked the wire and sighed heavily.

"It's good that you had another," Rey said, wiping the top of the dish with the sleeve of her arm wrap.

He held the wrench in both hands and stared at it.

Inhaling slowly he burred gently.

"We can get another...there's probably one just lying about somewhere on the base...that way we can have a new spare," she looked up, "We can always have one."

Chewie murmured.

"Yes, just like Han."

They sat in melancholic but companionable silence until she sighed, "We should go, it'll be starting soon."

Descending together, they picked their way through the trees, the path made obvious by the passage of the droids before them.

Coming into an expansive clearing, the usual thriving and cheerful buzz of conversations and noise was oddly absent. Every creature in the base was either sat on storage crates lined up in rows or standing around the perimeter.

The makeshift building in front of them was half scrape metal, half waxed fabric tents, stitched together to cover their screens and equipment.

Poe was sat right at the front on the far side with BB-8. He raised a hand in greeting.

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